News for April 28 — US Vaccine Surplus Growing

US vaccine surplus growing: . The Biden administration has set this up brilliantly. Create enormous manufacturing capacity, even ordering pharmaceutical companies to cooperate on production. Then, as Biden stated in his State of the Union, once American demand is satisfied, become the vaccine arsenal to the world. This is a very smooth and complete reversal of the prior administration’s America Alone policy. It is the quickest way to return to world leadership.

No one is talking about this now. But you’ll hear it in 2022.

You need the second vaccine dose: . The problem with this study is that it only involves 417 adults. Still, the difference between 64% and 94% is so great that it is likely statistically significant. For sure we know that two doses offer outstanding protection.

WSJ: Vaccines slowing US infections: . Probably. But variants remain a big unknown, especially among children under age 16, who are all unvaccinated. The article shows some shift in focus away from herd immunity to what I’ve called herd resistance.

Colorado had highest US nursing home death rate at the end of 2020: .

WSJ: At-home COVID tests about $10 apiece: .

US sends over $100 million in medical supplies to India, arrivals start Thursday and will be completed next week: .

India reports over 200,000 COVID deaths: . The actual death toll is likely considerably higher. However, the US death toll is almost 600,000 and we have ¼ India’s population. Thus, our per capita death toll is more than 10 times India’s reported count. So the US federal response to the pandemic continues to be the worst in the world, and in my view the greatest failure of any federal action in the history of our democracy. We cannot let anti-science Luddites (Orange or otherwise) anywhere near the machinery of government.

Brazil, however, is rivaling the US in pandemic mismanagement: . As Brazil has about 2/3 of the US population, Orange Julius Jr. has created a per capita death toll similar to his role model. Bolsonaro must go. But politics may deflect blame from him: .

An excellent video on the situation in India: . While this video is 25 minutes long, it is quite worthwhile. It is comprehensive, and the three experts featured are knowledgeable. I agree with almost all of their analysis. However, while Dr. Tang attempts to reassure viewers that the virus is running out of viable variants, there is simply no evidence for that. While it surprises me to say this, the Aljazeera piece is superior to any reporting from Fox.

India’s oxygen shortage: .

WSJ: India’s surge spreads rapidly beyond New Delhi and Mumbai: . This suggests the newer variants are at play here. With so little genomic testing in India, we just don’t know.

About 1/3 of Mexicans show COVID antibodies: . This suggests that Mexico could be susceptible to another wave caused by one or more of the variants.

WSJ: EU’s COVID Mr. Fix-it: . His barber is not much better than Boris Johnson’s.

Menthol cigarette ban: . The ACLU position described in this article seems off the wall to me. They are arguing for a product that kills people of color in disproportionate numbers. That seems more suited to the KKK than the ACLU. To me, it is a strained definition of a civil liberty, especially as second-hand smoke kills others. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Brexit status report: .

Arizona bans abortions based on genetic abnormalities: . The hypocrisy in the Republican Party reaches new lows. Assume a woman learns that her unborn child has an abnormality which will cause severe disability. The mother will now be forced to carry that baby to term, and to care for this infant for its entire life? How can this come from a party allegedly for small government?

Moms with means simply get on a plane to another state to evade this law. The practical result is to further oppress the poor.

The future of Biden’s proposals: (link replaced 5/29/21). Actually, the path remains clear. I listened to Tim Scott – it was a waste of time. The Republicans are not advancing any policy alternatives. Biden must negotiate his packages with the 50 Senate Democrats, and that pretty much boils down to Joe Manchin: . Manchin can’t block everything – he’s not president and he is a Democrat. But Biden will have to horse-trade.

WSJ: Details of Biden’s American Families Plan: . More: . Still more: . The inflation risk is regularly trotted out. We haven’t seen that in a long time. And: . Yet more: .

WSJ: Senate reinstates methane restrictions: . This is a limited bipartisan accomplishment, as only a simple majority was required. Three Republicans joined most Democrats.

Judge denies request for release of Brown shooting video: . Obviously transparency would be highly desirable, and we don’t have that. We won’t for at least 30 days. The central question is whether the officers acted reasonably. As Brown was not armed, this will come down to whether the car was being used as a weapon. The details of the shot to the back of Brown’s head will also be critical – the wound does not suggest threat. The judge could reasonably decide that release of the video would be prejudicial to the jury pool. WSJ: More: .

Federal hate crime charged in Arbery killing: . WSJ: More: .

Meanwhile other information dribbles out: . The message to me is that “the medium is the message”. When you militarize the police, they will act according to that environment. The result in business speak is “suboptimal outcomes”.

Capitol Police officer attacked in insurrection with electroshock weapon: . Facts matter. Lock these attackers up.

Trump supporter found guilty of threatening to kill members of Congress: . While there may be little defense of this person’s actions, the defense theory as presented in this article is incompetent representation. The lack of knowledge by the targets is not a defense to making the threats.

Will truth come to Fox News?: . This is just a tiny glimmer of hope. It does reflect Fox’s recent need to apologize repeatedly for false news stories. Williams does not mention the “Stop the Steal” coverage of Orange Julius and Dominion Voting, which has landed Fox in a $1.3 billion lawsuit. The fundamental problem is that “Fox” and “News” have never belonged in the same sentence. “Fair and balanced” was their intentional founding lie. Saying it a million times obviously does not make it so.

Another glimmer of truth at Fox?: . Whatever you think of the contrasting opinions here, this comes closer to a true exchange of opinions than almost anything that appears on Fox.

The truth is, the verdict was murder: . This is a tragic story. However, Amber was unable to realize that the apartment was not her own before using deadly force on a guy eating a bowl of ice cream. So the judges were right to openly voice their skepticism.

Rudy in dooty: . The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they have arrived at Rudy’s door – and entered. WSJ: More: .