News for April 3 — J&J Will Run Troubled Vaccine Plant

J&J will run troubled vaccine plant: (link replaced 5/12/21). Spoiling 15 million doses was obviously a huge error. Indirectly, this is another step backward for AstraZeneca in the US. More: .

US administers over 4 million doses on Friday: . We have now delivered more than 161 million doses to over 101 million people: .

Canada’s third wave dominated by the UK variant: . This looks very bad for the US. We seem likely to follow this path in the next two weeks.

WSJ: Vaccinations lag in Detroit: . And Michigan, like Canada, is seeing a major surge right now.

Vaccinations confront privacy concerns: .

Pfizer vaccine touted as effective against current variants: . Right now, efficacy testing cannot keep up with all the emerging variants. As long as the variant’s spike proteins stay within a narrow range of configurations, however, we should be able to modify the mRNA vaccines to maintain overall vaccine efficacy.

California reopens indoor events: . April 15 seems too early. There are over 30 million Californians who are not yet vaccinated. Perhaps they should restrict attendees to age groups where over 70% have been vaccinated. This eliminates the privacy issues associated with vaccine passports and offers an incentive for all adults to get vaccinated.

Even the NCAA Tournament is not safe from COVID-19: . This raises a point concerning the news that California would reopen indoor events April 15. There are going to be fans who may have symptoms but are not going to miss their first chance in over a year to see their favorite sports team/rock band/ celebrity. In short, there is greater risk than usual for people behaving badly at these events.

Will the 12 remaining red state “refuseniks” finally agree to Medicaid expansion?: .

Eating celery has multiple health benefits: . The “thermic effect” is an interesting property – you burn more calories digesting celery than the celery contains.

Argentina’s president has COVID: . This is despite his previous vaccination with Sputnik V.

WSJ: Are we now, maybe, bidding a fond farewell to the Suez Canal blockage story?: . The story hints that the Journal will now turn to the blockage probe.

History of Capitol attacks: .

Latest Capitol attack: mental health breakdown: .

Ongoing Capitol security problems: . So, the National Guard and razor wire are a temporary solution. The question is, will the permanent solution be sufficiently comprehensive to end the possibility of a citizen siege of the Capitol? It has to, or it fails.

Also of note is the “horrendous overtime” worked by Capitol police officers. As public retirement plan consultants know, overtime is commonly used in the last years of an officer’s career to boost his pension. This makes “final 3” pension formulas unusually expensive in relation to “final 5” salary calculations in public safety retirement plans.

Why now? Schumer looks to move marijuana legalization: . This strikes me as an unforced error on Schumer’s part. He needs to stay focused on things like voting rights and infrastructure. His job is strategy, and this is a distraction. Is he trying to “blunt” an AOC run for his seat?

The Republican Rehabilitation Tour continues: . Boehner left the House in 2015. This may be too little, but it is for sure way too late. He is another marijuana advocate, but only after he left Congress.

Meanwhile, Georgia Governor Kemp defends his power grab over voting rights: . We all know Kemp got into office by voter suppression as Secretary of State. Kemp knows his career is over if he can’t continue to suppress votes. His problem is, that may not be enough. What about marijuana advocacy? He’s a natural – Kemp for Hemp … Meanwhile, voting rights advocates pressure corporations to speak out: .This is a losing issue for Republicans. More: .

Another crooked election scheme from the ex-president: .

Ego over reality: Gaetz keeps digging: . One mistake with endlessly seeking publicity is failure to retreat when you are caught with your pants down. The underage allegation is so far the most repulsive aspect of this generally repulsive nobody. The connection to Greenberg has not been explained away.

UCLA-Gonzaga was one of the great college basketball games of all time: . No one gave UCLA a chance in this game. It was close all the way and fitting the game went to overtime. Zags win on a half-court bank shot buzzer beater. Congratulations again to UCLA!