News for March 22 — AstraZeneca Vaccine Effective in Adults

AstraZeneca vaccine effective for all adults: . Fortunately this article was revised, as it initially said “across all age groups”. Initial trials typically exclude children, as was the case here. It is effective against the original virus, but ineffective against some variants, notably the South African virus.

The US has already “loaned” its AstraZeneca vaccine to Canada and Mexico, and now possibly Brazil. I suspect little of this vaccine will be used here, at least until it is modified to deal with some of the current variants. WSJ: More: .

AstraZeneca missteps: . The difficulties with this vaccine go beyond public relations. Yes, it is needed for the global vaccination effort. That does not mean it is comparable to the Pfizer or Moderna or J&J vaccines. The comment about the EU situation making Brexit look good is both off the mark and unfair, in my view. And the FDA and CDC have done a less than stellar job over the past year. More: . WSJ: Still more: .

WSJ: How mass vaccination sites operate: . All the anecdotal evidence I’ve heard is that going to a retail pharmacy is a light speed experience compared to the mass vaccination sites.

Does COVID trigger diabetes in some children?: .

New York lowers vaccine eligibility to age 50: . WSJ: More: .

Pennsylvania spike in Medicaid enrollment: .

Britain bans nonessential travel outside of UK until the end of June; violators face $7,000 fine: .

Germany adopts Easter lockdown: . There is little doubt that the EU suffering has been magnified by its slow rollout of vaccination. The AstraZeneca vaccine is certainly better than nothing.

China may continue ban on international travel (in or out) until 2022 due to slow pace of domestic vaccination. Here is an article on the original controls: . This isolation supports the repression the Chinese government imposes on its citizens. It also reduces Western ability to verify conditions in China.

CDC rules constrain floating Petri dishes: . Sorry, I have no sympathy for this “industry”.

Americans dare the virus to surge: . Apparently there are many among us who prefer one marshmallow now to two marshmallows later. This is true even when the one marshmallow comes with a dose of COVID. More: .

Financial concerns pass COVID as Americans’ top concern: (link updated 5/8/21). The American Rescue Plan could not have been delayed further. The Republicans failed in providing no support.

WSJ: Hospital pricing data hidden: . Um, I guess this is news to people who don’t follow this topic. Perhaps a little more light on this subject will act as a sanitizing agent. The article suggests some hospitals did loosen their controls in response to the WSJ inquiries.

WSJ: More on a “kitchen sink” reconciliation package: .

Vaccinators secure permanent jobs: . Time will tell what “permanent” means in this context.

WHO slams vaccine nationalism: . The WHO view is out of touch with political reality. As long as the world is organized into countries, the governments of those countries have their first duty to their citizens.

WSJ: The lopsided NYC recovery: . This problem is the same everywhere.

WSJ: Worldwide auto production imperiled by chip shortage: .

DOJ prepares to discuss plea deals in Capitol insurrection: . I will be disappointed if only a small percentage of the insurrectionists do jail time. The people who planned ahead within organized groups must do significant time, in my view.

Sicknick attacker stays in jail: . This guy is very possibly looking at a murder charge.

Boulder shooting: . Ten people dead, presumably only because the shooter was a nut. In a civilized society, leaders would do something to eliminate random violence. Examples would be strict licensing requirements, training of owners and elimination of automatic weapons. We lack that level of sophistication. WSJ: More: .

Flyin’ Ted just gets slimier: . There is NO widespread voter fraud. Even if there was, fraud would call for highly targeted solutions, not general voter suppression. HR 1 is designed to encourage voting. Opposing it for the sake of power is obscene. This does fit Flyin’ Ted’s “legacy”, assuming a—hole is a legacy.

Sydney Powell claims that as a nut, she is not responsible for her actions: . Of the many outlandish legal theories advanced in the Orange Julius era, this is right up there. WSJ: More: .