News for March 12 — COVID Cases Fall in Florida

COVID cases fall in Florida: . Who are these experts? Let’s suppose there is a Variant X which completely evades all current vaccines. Then these Florida facts are completely irrelevant.

Can there be a variant X, now or in the future? Yes. We already know that the AstraZeneca vaccine is ineffective against the South Africa variant, at least according to the studies done there. Since Europe has been highly reliant on this vaccine, they remain highly vulnerable to this variant. That is part of the significant skepticism about this vaccine in Europe.

We just don’t know the answers for the other variants now spreading – for example, the Brazilian, New York and California variants. That is why the mRNA vaccine approach, which can be quickly calibrated to new variants, is so welcome. We need more genomic testing to track the variants, and booster shots for those that seem to evade current vaccines. The information is out there in every infection. We just have to harvest it.

This is also why building redundant production capacity makes sense, as Biden is doing with the large vaccine purchases. If we all need boosters, there will be the production capacity to address it. If not, the US is in position to address the pandemic globally, which is needed.

Think about the length of the above note relative to all the “expert” advice floating in the media every day. Is it really that hard to process the existing information into a digestible, agreed expert strategy going forward?

Will COVID rise again?: . I believe the answer is yes, due to the variants. I also do not believe the virus is seasonal. The next wave could occur in the next few weeks, not next winter. More: . Dr. Gottlieb sees a leveling of cases but not a fourth wave. However, his comments make no mention of the variants. Still more: . These comments are based on Europe’s actual experience, which I find compelling concerning the risk here.

A run-down of individual variants and vaccines: . We lack information on the New York and California variants. This is because we lack adequate genomic sequencing.

WSJ: A logistics setback for AstraZeneca vaccine: AstraZeneca Warns Europe of Large Delivery Shortfall, Blaming Export Curbs – WSJ . Right now, every day brings another problem for these folks.

US has administered 100 million doses: . WSJ: More: U.S. Surpasses 100 Million Covid-19 Vaccines Administered – WSJ .

WSJ: US and allies look to counter China in Asian vaccine diplomacy: Biden Meets World Leaders in Quest for More Covid-19 Vaccine – WSJ .

Americans approve of Biden’s handling of pandemic: .

Roche’s cobas test for flu and COVID flagged for false positives: .

Connecticut’s reopening approach: . Caution is a good thing. I wish we knew more about the New York variant now spreading up and down the East Coast.

WSJ: Transit systems help with rural vaccine access: Covid-19 Vaccine Access: How Rural Transit Agencies Are Helping Get the Shots in Arms – WSJ .

Scientific American’s weekly round-up: .

AstraZeneca responds to vaccine blood clot risk: . Again, this vaccine seems mired in skepticism. More: .

Vaccine disinformation “cold war”: .

WSJ: Canada’s nursing homes move past the pandemic: Covid-19 Slammed Canada’s Nursing Homes. Now Deaths Are Way Down. – WSJ .

Italy imposes Easter lockdown: . This is a big deal in Italy.

WSJ: International students again face travel restrictions: Covid-19 Travel Restrictions Loom Again for Colleges and Foreign Students – WSJ .

OECD 2021 US economic forecast raised significantly: .

WSJ: Wealth inequality during the pandemic: Covid-19 Crisis Has Left Americans’ Wallets Fatter – WSJ .

Details of stimulus help for multi-employer pension plans: .

Minneapolis settles with George Floyd’s family for $27 million: . WSJ: More: George Floyd Family Reaches $27 Million Settlement With Minneapolis – WSJ .

Infrastructure politics: . The politics seem rather clear. This is one of the few remaining Democratic priorities that can be passed by reconciliation. Therefore it will be loaded up with anything that can get by the Senate parliamentarian. Climate change is the most obvious add. The bill is likely to be popular, so Democrats may focus on reconciliation. This will dare Republicans to vote for a popular bill.

Filibuster reform: . This was the style of the filibuster years ago. The problem in my view is that Ted Cruz and other Republicans will in fact shut down the Senate for an extended period of time – like weeks or months. Historically, the longest filibuster was 60 days, against the 1964 Civil Rights Act: . If the point of this is to demonstrate the filibuster’s irrelevance to current reality, it could be constructive in getting 50 Democratic votes to end the filibuster. But I doubt it.

A rules problem in the House: .

Cuomo refuses to resign: (link replaced 5/8/21). The problem is, he has (now) 7 accusers, some of whom have contemporary evidence. OJ survived this type of behavior (and worse, as did Bill Clinton in another time), but OJ was not in the Democratic Party of today. Al Franken was tossed on what appears to be far less.

John Dean speculates that Orange Julius indictment is coming soon: Nixon’s White House counsel, who played a key role in the Watergate scandal, says Trump could get indicted by the Manhattan DA within days ( . The question is how long it will take the prosecutors to plow through the recently-received OJ tax records. However, CPAC has been the only OJ sighting since his impeachment “acquittal” (and really, since his DC departure). This can only have two explanations. One, OJ is lazy (that’s a given). Two, an indictment is expected soon. More: . Careful is right. But Vance is now very likely to indict well before the end of the year. Still more: . A different view from WSJ: Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. Won’t Seek Re-Election – WSJ .

OJ’s financial problems mount: . The obvious solution is to sell the buildings at a discount and rebrand them.

Feds expect to indict at least 100 more extremists: . This is the most detail we’ve seen on the scope of the prosecution effort. The traditional approach in a case of this size and complexity is to take the smaller fish to court first in order to get them to flip on the ringleaders. More: . And: .

Judge releases Oath Keeper to house arrest: . This decision appears, quite properly, to be driven by the specific circumstances of the case. However, why release was granted in the following case is unclear: .

J.Lo and A-Rod split: . This almost seems like a corporate divestiture. Two powerful businesses with different visions go their separate ways.