News for March 10 — 2020 Deadliest Year Ever

COVID relief package health provisions: .

2020 deadliest year ever in US: . COVID killed nearly 400,000 people and was the third leading cause of death. Over 3 million people died in total, with COVID increasing mortality by 15%.

COVID numbers resume downward trend: .

WSJ: Variants rising: . Still looks like another surge in cases is coming.

WSJ: Moderna tests variant vaccine: Covid-19 Variant Vaccine From Moderna Begins Human Testing – WSJ . This is the true exit ramp from the pandemic.

US purchases an additional 100 million doses of J&J vaccine: . WSJ: More: .

Women report more severe COVID vaccination side effects: .

WSJ: Multivalent vaccines in development: . “Multivalent” is the term for a vaccine covering multiple strains of a virus.

Lilly antibody drug reduces severe COVID: .

WSJ: GlaxoSmithKline antibody drug to file for EUA: Covid-19 Antibody Drug Effective in Study, GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Say – WSJ .

COVID symptoms organized by clusters: . This approach also demonstrates that certain underlying comorbidities predispose people to more severe COVID.

Long-hauler symptoms emerge in waves: . The patterns of disease in these sufferers suggest that symptoms can be anticipated and perhaps mitigated. Unfortunately, the first several waves look like the symptom pattern experienced by people who do not become long-haulers.

UK variant 64% more deadly: . So actually a range is given, and 64% is the median probability. Previous estimates have been 50% to 70% more deadly. The new information basically confirms the earlier analysis.

Newly discovered bat virus 94.5% similar to COVID-19 virus: .

CDC’s limited guidance gets limited support: . The current level of daily new cases remains too high. Caution is warranted. Between the variants, spring break, and another too-soon opening in Texas and other states, another surge appears on the way.

Nursing home hugs resume: . WSJ: More: Merrick Garland Confirmed as Biden’s Attorney General – WSJ .

An argument against vaccinating the elderly first: . This is an interesting argument. However, it is based on a model which undoubtedly is not sufficiently detailed to model what is actually occurring. First, the model is not to just vaccinate the elderly first (which is the model I prefer). Most countries vaccinated essential workers first, and they are the true “mixers” in this environment. Second, as the article admits, the best way to save live currently is to vaccinate the elderly first.

Third, viral load is the primary measure of the chance for variants to develop, which supports the “mixer” argument. However, how exactly do you identify the true mixers (beyond essential workers) in this environment? Also, research indicates that there is a much greater chance of variants developing in people with compromised immune systems. That is often the elderly.

Fourth, in the US, we will vaccine everyone willing in a matter of a few months. In that situation, the mixer issue is relatively short-term, in which case saving lives first is the logical priority.

WSJ: Pro athletes as lab rats: .

Pfizer vaccine quality control questioned: .

West Virginia announces 168 unreported COVID deaths: .

Tik Tok video explaining mRNA vaccines goes “viral”: . While the article just gives an explanation of the video, here is the actual video: . It visually illustrates how the body produces an antibody from the mRNA instructions which can recognize and neutralize the spike protein.

WSJ: The origins of COVID: .

WSJ: Chile’s vaccination success: .

Six COVID questions, with answers from a year ago and now: . And there is still no evidence it is seasonal, dammit.

The COVID economy one year on: . This a sobering review of recent national economic data.

COVID before and after in photos: .

ABC Australia audience memories: toilet paper tackle, the “check out chick”: .

WSJ: Details of the COVID relief package in graphics: .

WSJ: Higher education provisions of COVID relief package: .

Americans support Biden COVID relief package: . So what the hell are the GOP representatives in Congress doing? What will it take to move the GOP away from blatant voter suppression? That is the real battle of the Biden administration. Zero support on the COVID relief package makes it clear that the GOP idea of bipartisanship is to waste everyone’s time.

Senate confirms Merrick Garland 70-30: . WSJ: More: Merrick Garland Confirmed as Biden’s Attorney General – WSJ . On what basis are there 30 votes against Merrick Garland? McConnell and the two former Republican Judiciary Committee chairman only brought along 17 of the 47 remaining members of their caucus.

The answer is: Tom Cotton’s latest stunt in the Idiot Olympics: . Cotton, Cruz and Hawley are early competitors in the race to the GOP’s 2024 nomination. Cotton lost press coverage when Hawley and Cruz disputed the election results. This is his made-up tantrum in response. Once again, forget any constructive behavior out of the GOP.

GOP focuses on … the estate tax?: . I am a big fan of heavy estate taxes as a way to encourage the rich to distribute their wealth during their lifetimes. The GOP behavior is making me more interested in Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax.

GOP proves Pelosi “prediction” in one day: . The bill isn’t even signed yet!

Dear Mitch: Please leave: . McConnell is considering leaving early.

Dear Andrew: Please leave: . Cuomo is unlikely to resign. He is also unlikely to be re-elected. He will be regarded as a serial abuser almost regardless of what happens from here.

Dear Marjorie: Please leave: . Marjorie Taylor Greene is irritating everyone.

Apple continues Parler ban from App Store: . No racism, no Nazis, or no service.

Insurrection prosecution focuses on organized extremists: . Will these people form an organized gang in federal prison?