VaccineFinder helps Americans find COVID shots: . VaccineFinder has been operational for nine years but is just now launching COVID capabilities. Rollout will be state by state.
Syringe bottleneck: . This is another supply chain issue.
New York variant spreading fast: . The New York variant is designated B.1.526, as is the South African variant. It is unclear from the article if the variants are related.
Experts think the worst of the pandemic may be behind us: . I hope this is true. Unfortunately, the arguments in this article are illogical. We are relatively sure that many of the variants are more transmissible. The proof is that they have become the dominant strain in other countries. We also have evidence that several of the variants are more deadly. Third, we have evidence that the vaccines are less effective against several of the variants.
If the three statements just made prove to be true, then the pandemic is not nearly over and we cannot vaccinate our way out. Suppose 65% of the population is vaccinated (which is quite high as children under 16 are currently not being vaccinated). Suppose the vaccines are 90% effective against the original strain and 50% effective against the variants (again, these numbers are optimistic relative to current evidence). Then 35% of the population (the unvaccinated) plus 32.5% of the population (the 50% where the vaccine is ineffective) remain at risk.
That’s 67.5% of the population vulnerable to the variants that are apparently up to 70% more transmissible and 30% to 50% more deadly than the original. Meanwhile, the vaccinated plus most of the unvaccinated will let their guard down. As to immunity for those previously infected, we know natural immunity is lower than that created by vaccination. And the variants are capable of reinfecting some percentage of these people. Lastly, herd immunity is likely unattainable.
The pandemic is not over. What is Fauci talking about? Cheerleading without science is dangerous.
WSJ: The UK variant: A separate pandemic: . This is “on the same page” as my comments above. More: .
COVID reinfection risk: .
Why global infections have plummeted: . Not everything in this article is mainstream opinion.
EU fights pandemic fatigue, slow vaccine rollout: . Vaccine skepticism is also a problem.
AstraZeneca admits EU delivery shortfall: .
Is Somalia seeing a new variant?: . Genomic sequencing is needed. This could be the South African variant.
COVID kills more than 50,000 Californians: .
WSJ: New York’s nursing home deaths: .
Long-hauler syndrome named: PASC: . PASC stands for post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Moderna ships NIH a vaccine modified for the South African variant: . More: .
Pfizer is also ready to test a third dose: . WSJ: More: .
COVID survives on fabrics for up to 3 days: . Apparently, avoid polyester for a while.
Will COVID vaccinations become annual?: . This is another “COVID will become like the flu” article. There is NO evidence for this.
Are Qatar’s migrant workers dying for the World Cup?: . Given the huge number of migrant workers, there may be some validity to Qatar’s claim of “expected mortality”. However, the allegations of poor working conditions coupled with the dangers of heavy work in a hot environment merit further study.
Weekly jobless claims drop to 730,000: . This article seems rather confused. Did the severe weather make it impossible for many thousands of people to file? If so, it seems entirely possible that next week’s claims will be at 800,000 or above. Let’s see next Thursday. WSJ: More: .
Stimulus status: . Pelosi has the votes. The question is, what does Schumer have? It looks like 48 Democratic noses right now. The path may be another Democrat (Manchin or Sinema) and one Republican. Horse trading may be coming soon.
Senate parliamentarian rules against $15 hourly wage minimum in reconciliation: . Biden predicted this result early on, as did this newsletter. This was one of Manchin’s objections to the bill, but he also objects to the $1.9 trillion price tag. Horse trading is still on the table. More: .
Alternative facts on Texas from the right’s Alternate Reality: . “Fair and balanced” is the longest running joke in news/entertainment media. This does point out that while thinking people constantly update their information, a lie can be forever on the right. And of course “windmills” is from Orange Julius’ science class. Don’t inject this bleach either.
The correct analysis of Texas from a so-called “leftie” economist: . The blame for the Texas disaster rests on its corrupt politicians. Yes, James Kenneth Galbraith is the son of John Kenneth Galbraith. Yes, the father is a famous Keynesian whose views have been proven correct by US history from FDR to the present.
The broken pipes comment rings true with me. I spent part of Tuesday emptying the freezer and cleaning out the fridge. The cost of this disaster goes well beyond the $28 billion Texans have been overcharged for electricity, and it includes lost lives. Texas (and much of the South) remains an international embarrassment. And that certainly includes Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and the Idiot Olympics. (2/18)
ERCOT lands in court over grid failure: . Meanwhile, the CEO says he wouldn’t have done anything differently: . So, long-term planning is out?
Texas PUC price fixing: .
Flyin’ Ted ain’t flyin’ with Biden: . Good choice.
And Ted continues to get pummeled on Twitter: . Random minds do occasionally hit on the truth. I agree with Ted that he is unqualified. Ted has not learned that he cannot enter a battle of wits unarmed.
Texas Governor Abbott considers removing COVID restrictions: . Sure, let’s just change the topic.
US to release Khashoggi report: .
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Orange Julius’ path to an orange jumpsuit: . More: .
Mitch McConnell will literally say anything: . How does this square with his comments after failing to vote to convict?