News for February 21 — Delirium a Significant COVID Symptom

Delirium a significant COVID symptom for seniors: .

Texas will receive 1 million vaccine doses next week: .

WSJ: One vaccine dose may be sufficient for COVID survivors: .

Preparing for the next pandemic: . My prediction is that the mRNA vaccine technology will be expanded to other viral diseases and will be key in the next viral pandemic. The path for other types of disease is less clear. Cholera, tuberculosis and syphilis, as examples, are all bacterial diseases.

WSJ: Self-testing for school safety: .

White House presses for transparent, thorough COVID origin investigation: .

WSJ: Vaccine diplomacy: .                         

WSJ: Israel’s vaccination program put to test: .

Tanzania admits its COVID problem: .

WSJ: Travel’s recovery will be slow: .

Texas’ deregulated, $17,000 electricity bill: . It’s more than ironic that Griddy sounds so much like Greedy. There was a huge consumer protection mistake here.

Texas power lawsuits begin: .

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Merrick Garland confirmation hearing Monday: .

Oath Keeper says she was at January 6 rally as VIP security protection: . This is a rather shocking response to the government’s charges. Unless the filing is totally groundless (big trouble for the defendant), there must have been some contact between the Oath Keepers and government (presumably the Secret Service) prior to the rally.

Republican voters moving further right: . This is the media equivalent of Fox getting primaried. However, all three networks sell biased news coverage to their viewers. This does not make for a favorable general election outcome for Republican candidates.

Arkansas Governor wouldn’t support OJ run in 2024: . An OJ run recalls the old Hertz commercials. The original OJ hurdled his way through the airport.

WSJ says incitement case against Orange Julius difficult: . This article is more politics than legal reasoning. The House managers’ case in the Senate made a powerful case for incitement by tying in OJ’s actions to discredit the election, which started even before Election Day in November. That process led to a 57-43 vote to convict. WSJ’s reporting appears to be biased by their even more right-wing competition described above.

Pence declines CPAC invite: . Laying low seems like the best choice right now. It would not be wise to appear in front of a pro-Trump crowd.