News for February 16 — New Variants Complicate COVID’s Future

New variants complicate COVID’s future: . I critiqued the AP article on this topic at some length two days ago. It is only fair to recognize this US News article, which comes much closer to my view of the future of COVID as a global disease.

However, here is another article with yet another viewpoint: . The argument about COVID “becoming milder” is more sophisticated here. This article believes the human immune defenses will rise to the challenge over time. This is sort of the chicken pox path, where people used to hold “pox parties” for their children. The problem is that not all adults caught the infection in childhood, and chickenpox is much more severe as we age. This is also true of COVID.

There is a spike in more severe COVID cases in children: . This points out, once again, that it is too early in the pandemic to project the future of COVID. But the discussion still has value.

WSJ: What to do with your COVID-positive child: .

Long-term public learning from the pandemic: . The prediction of increased understanding and appreciation for masks seems valid.

WSJ: State-by-state vaccination guide (updated regularly): .

The British variant is coming!: . It’s the latest from Dr. Paul Revere. Seriously, this is likely to be another major surge. Once again, we do not have the needed genomic testing in place. Why do we keep making this mistake?

COVID cases and hospitalizations decline for fifth straight week: . This is Dr. Walensky’s projection math, I think. The UK variant is doubling every 10 days in the US. So 4% on February 14 is 8% on February 24, 16% on March 6, 32% on March 16, and 64% on March 26. There is great diversity in the detail associated with COVID projections.

Third shot needed for new variants: . Gates also notes the AstraZeneca problem I have been harping on. Dr. Gottlieb says the opposite, which (excuse me) is clearly incorrect based on the available data.

WSJ: New variants expand under Europe’s slow vaccine rollout: .

Italy blames Europe’s third COVID wave on the Swiss opening skiing: . Italy closes its own ski season: .

Experts can’t explain the fall in cases in India: .

WSJ: More on the South African variant: .

Vaccine coordination needed: . Nobody told Orange Julius these things.

Vaccine shipments set to significantly increase: . This clearly has been the pinch point lately.

WSJ: Vaccination tracker (updated regularly): .

WSJ: NYC vaccination rates differ by zip code: .

Winter storm slows vaccine rollout: .

Pigs and other animals represent coronavirus risks: (link replaced 3/21/21). Three points here. First, when we think of the global viral load, we must consider all animal populations, not just humans. Second, there is a significant risk associated with immunocompromised individuals. COVID can linger in these people and mutate significantly. Third, remember that few animals die of old age in nature. Nature has multiple mechanisms to protect the health of the ecosystem.

Will the pork barrel return?: . Placing more power in the hands of Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell does not strike me as an advance in governance or democracy. Political expediency is dangerous territory right now.

Oh, how about the stimulus package?: . As noted previously, work has been proceeding despite the news media’s focus on Orange Julius.

Foreclosure ban extended to June 30: Work continues at the White House. So far the return to normalcy has been extraordinarily smooth. WSJ: More: .

What’s next after stimulus?: .

WSJ: Infrastructure spending: .

Defunding the police: . So here’s $5 million of taxpayer money that could have been better spent on altering police tactics. Can’t the undercover guys come up with some sort of code word or behavior (changed regularly) to stop the beatings? Even if a non-undercover person had the word, so what?

Dutch court rules against COVID curfew: .

Our business plan is killing it!: .

More on Israel’s vaccination strategy: . WSJ: Still more: .

El Salvador gets its first vaccine doses … from India: . Anybody thinking Monroe Doctrine here? Our sphere of influence has contracted.

Losing both parents to COVID-19: .

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Mississippi congressman sues Orange Julius under Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871: . The point that OJ did not undertake these actions in his official capacity is an important one. More: . It’s ironic that the author’s name is Lynch. Still more: . And this author is named King … WSJ: More: .

Hi, I’m Ron Johnson and I’m legally brain-dead: . This is hardly the first looney thing Ron Johnson has said. Wisconsin went for Biden by 20,000 votes out of 3.2 million cast.

OJ lemmings look to drive Republican Party over a cliff: . Republican Party officials need to deeply study the techniques of cult deprogramming. Conspiracy theory based on alternate reality is not a sound basis for anything, most especially governance. Again, the problem of “unfair and unbalanced” Fox News and cohorts requires immediate legislative and FCC attention.

Think voter suppression is the only problem with the OJ lemmings?: . Apparently when you don’t like the truth, the answer is to halt criminal prosecutions of your Furor.

WSJ warns Orange Julius can’t win another election: . This is apparently a newsflash only for the OJ lemmings. The cult does not care. Crank up the litigation, please, so we can stop talking about what’s-his-name.

The Republican Civil War: . My conclusion from today’s news is different. The leadership of both sides has a deep commitment to discrediting Orange Julius. And OJ has provided an incredible amount of legal fodder. The legal processes have about a year to bring OJ down. His financial troubles could do that sooner.

Right-wing social network Parler regroups after shutdown following January 6 insurrection: . The article indicates there may be technical gaps in the new site which leave it vulnerable to attack. That issue is likely to be tested soon, given Parler’s controversial nature.

Amy “Karen” Cooper charges dismissed: . More: . WSJ: Still more: .

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I continue to await a power company repair. Oregon had about 290,000 without power yesterday; this afternoon the number was about 140,000. Texas has outdone us big time, with about 4 million without power: . There are three power grids in the US: The Eastern Interconnection, the Western Interconnection and the Texas Interconnection. Texas is, of course, the smallest. More: . These screw-ups have consequences. WSJ: Still more: . And: .