News for February 15 — Vaccine Approval; Nursing Home Deaths

COVID conspiracy theorists: . The global nut festival, these folks swim in their own ocean. And it’s polluted.

Cuomo on defensive over nursing home deaths: . His aide admitted that the lack of transparency was for exactly the reason people suspect: they were burying adverse data. The proper response is to apologize clearly and to fully commit to transparency.

More on WHO AstraZeneca vaccine approval: . This doesn’t make much sense without upgrading the vaccine’s effectiveness against the variants now rising.

Australian AstraZeneca vaccine approval: . Same comment as above.

COVAX launch nears: . Same comment as above.

Colombia to launch vaccinations Wednesday: . NOT the same comment, because Colombia is using Pfizer. The question is whether they appropriately maintain cold chain shipment.

COVID shots might be adapted to new variants: . Not “might be”, “must be”. The mRNA vaccines were designed to be rapidly adaptable. If the others do not adapt, they lose their utility.

WSJ: J&J vaccine approval science and politics: . Biden has said he will listen to the scientists. The difference between 2 ½ and 3 weeks is 3 days. This appears to be a WSJ tempest in a teapot.

WSJ: Boomers’ post-vaccination plans: .

UK move to open up “irreversible”: . For a country where the UK variant is already dominant, this is very likely to end disastrously. So why do it? This truly is a policy of dying for the economy.

WSJ: Orange Julius’ racist policies hurt the US economy: . Why didn’t WSJ come up with my snappier headline? Oh, right.

WSJ: Implementing the Obamacare extension: .

US buys but doesn’t use rapid COVID tests: . It is understandable that other tests are more accurate. Isn’t this still useful as an early warning system?

WSJ: Update on Israel’s vaccination program: . It also helps to have a geographically small country where winter weather is not an issue. More: .

Fauci wins $1 million Israeli prize: .

WSJ: Storms across US: . This certainly describes my day and perhaps the next 10. This also creates significant vaccination rollout headaches and delays.

WSJ: Bill Gates’ new book on climate change: .

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Independent commission on January 6 insurrection: . Politically, no one can oppose this. The final report will blame Orange Julius in a style parallel to the House prosecutors, and blame the now-resigned sergeants-at-arms for the security failures. The more interesting question is why the advance warnings were ignored: . WSJ: More: .

GOP donor wants voter fraud contribution back: . So Eschelman can write a $2.5 million check with no awareness of widespread reports that only a small fraction of the money was to be used on voter fraud? Caveat emptor.

Facebook considers OJ’s return: . If he returns, the board is nuts. And that is the real issue – does this board serve a meaningful function?

Swear off OJ, it’s bad for America’s health: .

What did Orange Julius’ second impeachment accomplish?: . The selection of opinions here seems to miss the obvious points: (1) OJ hasn’t been out of office a month yet. The legal and financial challenges he faces make November 2022 an eternity away; (2) OJ is the perfect counterfoil to Biden’s middle-of-the-road bipartisanism, and Biden has the team to make government work; (3) OJ will be an ongoing source of Democratic fundraising, as well as the great Democratic unifier; (4) The second impeachment is much easier to understand than the first.

Pro-OJ candidates launch for 2022: . One can understand why these gambles are being made. However, the previous paragraph should give these rabbits cause to pause. Will they be able to pivot when necessary? A well-funded Democrat awaits many in the general election, and these Republicans will be taking general election salvos early. Meanwhile, the Republican donor and corporate pro-OJ money is drying up. More: . Does anyone really want to see a 78-year-old turtle dance?