News for February 13 — Clinical Frailty; Special Acquittal Edition

Clinical frailty triples risk of death from COVID: . For patients who survived COVID, those with clinical frailty were 7 times more likely to require at-home care. Here is the study abstract and link: .

“Clinical frailty” is the loss of reserve and function across multiple physiologic systems. The five indicators are: unintentional weight loss (10 lbs in past year), self-reported exhaustion, weakness (grip strength), slow walking speed, and low physical activity. “Clinical frailty” means 3 or more of these indicators are present.

First known patient with COVID reinfection from South African variant is in critical condition: .

The US has administered over 50 million vaccine doses: . Biden’s revised goal of 150 million doses in the first 100 days now appears quite doable. Weather is currently a challenge in many areas of the country.

As we know, COVID is now permanently embedded in the global population: .

Vaccine lottery: . As long as this is making the best of a bad situation, that’s fine. Fake deals to vaccinate ahead of the line should be prosecuted.

New model suggests vast majority of COVID cases transmitted asymptomatically: . These numbers seem too high to me. If they were accurate, we should see greater progress toward herd immunity.

WSJ: Biden’s panels: . It is a shock to the country to have a functioning government. After four years of the Senate doing nothing but screwing up the judiciary, Senator Cramer’s comments are both uninformed and hypocritical. WSJ has no business printing them.

WSJ: Lockdown court challenges generally lose: .

Mexico’s vaccination campaign slows: .

EU will fast track variant-adapted vaccine approval: .

Vaccine diplomacy helps China in Europe: .

China responds to US criticism of lack of transparency: . It is a weak but obstinate response. China has refused WHO data on the early COVID patients. WSJ: More: .

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Orange Julius defense attorney leaves facts behind: . He also had no concept whatever of the nature of the Senate trial. An utter incompetent, he was an appropriate choice for OJ’s defense.

The Senate acquits Orange Julius, 57 for conviction, 43 against: . WSJ: More: .

As suggested yesterday, the McCarthy matter did result in a vote to hear from witnesses, namely Jamie Herrera-Butler. However, for reasons yet to be learned, the Senate compromised by reading her remarks into the record: .

Herrera-Butler is one of 10 Republicans in the House who voted for impeachment. Her Southwest Washington district is basically a suburb of Portland. WSJ: More: .

Americans generally believe Orange Julius is at least partially responsible: . I see no basis for anything less than conviction and disqualification here. There cannot be a clearer case of a “high crime and misdemeanor” than the sitting President assembling, exhorting and dispatching an armed mob against the seat of the legislative branch for the purpose of stopping certification of election results.

Orange Julius is a cancer on the American political system. Anyone who does not understand that is not paying attention. And the Framers would puke.

Here are the 7 Republican Senators who voted to convict: . Senator Burr, who is retiring, was the only surprise appearance on this list.

McConnell says Orange Julius is “morally responsible” for the insurrection, and votes to acquit: . How nice. McConnell skulks away on this ridiculous argument that the trial was unconstitutional because Orange Julius was out of office. OJ was impeached while still in office. Congress has previously impeached and convicted officials who had resigned prior to impeachment. Almost every constitutional scholar, including the conservatives, rejects this argument out of hand.

So how could 43 of 50 Republican Senators, most of whom are lawyers, come to this ridiculous conclusion? It’s their only out, in terms of not upsetting their base. If you watched Orange Julius’ defense, it was literally a joke. All of the lawyers who have previously worked with OJ declined the case. WE ALL KNOW, MITCH! And Nancy Pelosi is indignant: . Nancy is quite right.

Mitch leaves it to DOJ and the courts to give OJ his just desserts. That is not the Constitutional scheme. The Republicans have placed politics and their own power over the Constitution. For now, they have stuck us with Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and the lurking presence of Orange Julius (whose name, for some time, has been banished from this newsletter). Each and every one of these treasonous co-conspirators must be dismissed from the public conversation at the voters’ (or for OJ, the courts’) earliest opportunity.

Stacey Plaskett reacts: . The star of the House presentation comments.

Smoking tribalism: . Here’s another reason the acquittal is political malpractice. These losers who focus on white supremacism are really proving that their skin color is their best characteristic. Cruz, Hawley, Paul and Rubio are not only unelectable as president, none will be the Republican nominee in 2024. And this is already undeniably true for 3 of the 4. Nikki Haley is showing the best judgment right now. WSJ: More: .

Is impeachment dead?: . No. I agree with the writer that the current Senate has embarrassed itself to the point of absurdity. However, the text of the Constitution remains. It is obvious that both OJ trials were aberrations. Democratic senators would have convicted a Democratic president on these facts. The problem is the Republican Party’s current two-faced, racist condition.

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Remains of six pirates found in 300-year-old shipwreck: .