News for February 9 — Kid’s Flu Vaccinations Reduce COVID Severity

Kids’ flu vaccinations reduce COVID severity: . As there’s virtually no flu this winter, it’s nice that we found new uses for flu vaccinations.

The UK variant: latest news: .

US genomic sequencing efforts: . “Rushing” does not describe the US efforts on genomic testing.

Can the US create effective contact tracing?: .

Mardi Gras 2020 was a mega-spreader: . Possibly we are too stupid for effective contact tracing.

Lilly antibody drug receives EUA from FDA: (link replaced 12/13/21).

WSJ: Pandemic sets back polio eradication efforts: .

WHO: “Very unlikely” coronavirus escaped from Wuhan lab: . Unfortunately, there are no new details provided. WHO has weakened its reputation in the last year. That is not just due to Orange Julius’ criticism. More: .

US daily cases decline below 100,000 last two days: . These are the two lowest days of 2021. However, part of this may be the weekend effect on reporting. WSJ: More: .

Checking a prediction: On September 4, the government models were predicting 410,000 deaths by year-end. In that day’s newsletter, I predicted 350,000 deaths. The death total for December 31: 355,621: .

Vatican urges structural review of society’s care for the elderly: .

WSJ: About 10% of New Yorkers have received COVID vaccine: .

WSJ: Vaccinating teachers: .

Vaccinations begin next week in Japan: .

WSJ: Japan’s COVID strategy for restaurants: .

WSJ: Iran commences vaccination campaign: .

Will the Super Bowl celebrations be a superspreader?: . Yes. Next.

Unionization may be coming to Amazon: . Amazon now employs 1.3 million people (they added 400,000 last year). Their minimum hourly wage in the US is $15.

WSJ: COVID accelerating change in co-working business model: .

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Orange Julius’ attorneys are … the Space Force?: . The Democrats were well-organized, easy to follow, and sharp. The first Trump lawyer to speak complemented the Democrats’ presentation, said he had to change his comments in response, and then made no arguments. Remarkably, he said that “high crimes” meant felonies and “misdemeanors” had its normal meaning. This is absolutely wrong, and demonstrates that he has not even basic knowledge of constitutional law (he is a malpractice lawyer): .

The second Trump lawyer shouted, why we don’t know. He criticized the Democratic evidence we will see (later in the trial, not today’s, I think) as a fancy video that’s not necessary because everyone knows what happened. He argued that the Democrats were too early (the impeachment was rushed) and too late (Trump is out of office now). Basic legal argument is to present a theory of the case – logically, the impeachment can’t be both too early and too late: .

Here is the video Democrats played today: .

I have seen many trials. I would rate the Democrats’ presentation as among the top 5 I’ve seen, and the response as in the bottom 3. While today’s argument (process constitutionality) was a fake process argument, it was the best opportunity Trump’s lawyers had. They previewed their substance argument (First Amendment protected speech). That argument will get crushed. Today’s vote on constitutionality was 56 to 44 for the Democrats. It seems unlikely that Democrats will pick up more votes from the 44, who are voting politics and not reality. They disgrace the Senate.

And by the way, the Democrats’ presentation is not just about the 100 Senators. They are looking to hold Orange Julius accountable in the court of public opinion. The defense’s abject mess is helping that objective.

WSJ: The impeachment trial players: .

McConnell frees Republican Senators to vote their conscience: . Once again, McConnell is doing what he can to move the Republican Party past Orange Julius.