News for February 6 — COVID Genomic Recombination Risks

COVID genomic recombination risks: .

UK variant is 35% deadlier: . Combined with 50% to 70% higher transmissibility, this is a very significant concern. The good news is that the mRNA vaccines can be rather quickly adapted to the new strains out there.

AstraZeneca vaccine weak against South African variant: . Clearly, not good news.

COVID may mutate rapidly in immunocompromised individuals: . I am curious to know the level of viral load in these individuals. Since they are Immunocompromised, it seems logical that they would have high viral loads. In most infected people the viral load lasts perhaps 2 to 3 weeks. In this patient the load lasted 5 months, so the virus went through many more generations within his body than most others. These conditions seem ripe for extensive virus mutation.

COVID attacks the pancreas: .

COVID long-hauler symptoms: .

Hang in there, readers. We are learning a lot about this virus. Admittedly, today’s news is concentrated on its capabilities. Still, these are things we need to know to defeat the pandemic as quickly as we can.

WSJ: Jumping ahead in the vaccine line: .

WSJ: Fake COVID test scams: .

Questions about CDC vaccine tracker: (link replaced 3/16/21). These are quite serious issues. Once again, what is going on at CDC?

Questions about the Supreme Court: . The disregard of expert testimony in this case is quite troubling. People will die from COVID as a result, as the minority predicts.

WSJ: Chinese regulators approve CoronaVac vaccine for use: .

Calendar quirk may save a House seat for New York for the next 10 years: . This is today’s most positive news about the pandemic.

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The divided country: . What exactly is Republican disapproval about? A large part of it seems to be the stolen election fantasy.

Liz Cheney censured by Wyoming Republican Party: . The intraparty Civil War continues.

Republicans focus on voter suppression: . This is obviously completely undemocratic.

Sidney Powell circles the drain: . Powell faces sanctions for making false claims. Her response is to repeat those claims and make more false claims. This is commonly referred to as “digging your own grave”.

Missouri man charged after being seen with Pelosi nameplate: . Uh-huh. The attorney’s defense is that this is unusual behavior for his client, who “does not condone … violence or property destruction in any way”. LOOK AT THE PHOTO. And find another attorney. This one is likely to piss off the judge. However, …

Texas insurrectionist allowed to travel to Mexico: . According to the article, the prosecutor did not object. Why is that? We have serious white privilege problems in this country.

Impeachment investigations: . It is unclear if there is anything here to be presented in the impeachment trial. Other legal action is a possibility, but this is just an investigation.

WSJ: Jeep, Springsteen and ReUnited States of America: .