News for January 17 — Vaccination Logistics; Wuhan Timeline

WSJ: The basics of vaccination logistics: . This is a primer for a citizen getting their two-dose vaccine.

Doctors second-guess COVID drugs: . Steroids may be the only effective drug.

WSJ: The mutations challenge monoclonal antibody drugs: . Sigh. The comments about increased viral load increasing the chance of viable mutations are correct. The comments about the mutations developing “to evade” the immune response are not.

WSJ: More on the “last mile” problem: . The Journal is apparently unable to say that the central problem in vaccination logistics is lack of federal coordination. Competent people have been working on the problems for the last couple of months. They will have the authority to do something starting Thursday.

California nears 3 million cases: . As to total infections, we of course have limited data. A consensus multiplier is currently 4, meaning there would be 12 million infections, or about 30% of the state’s population of 39.6 million. Initially, the multiplier was thought to be 5 to 10. Greater awareness of the disease has of course increased reporting and reduced the multiplier.

Australian Open has 72 tennis players in quarantine: . So these people can’t practice for two weeks? It’s almost impossible to remain competitive at a world-class level under such a restriction.

Slovakia to test all citizens in next 9 days: . Sure would be great if we lived in an advanced country like Slovakia.

WSJ: Vaccine roll-out begins in Brazil: .

COVID second wave surges across Africa: .

WSJ: India’s vaccination drive: .

Wuhan timeline over the past year: .

WSJ: China only country to post 2020 economic growth: .

WSJ: Post-COVID recovery separates rich nations from poor: . The central point is the debilitating effect the pandemic has had on poorer economies.

The logical inference from the last two stories is that authoritarian behavior toward the pandemic is more effective than a democratic approach. China will promote this view in poorer countries. The Trump lunacy has irreparably damaged the US position in the world.

WSJ: China’s productivity challenge: This seems to me to measure China through Western metrics. China’s greater problems are an aging population and a generational cohort with a gender imbalance due to the “one child” policy from 1979 to 2015. That imbalance, by the way, is not fully corrected by the current “two child” policy.

WSJ: Navalny detained upon return to Russia: .

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Democrats prepare impeachment case for Senate: . Given the video of the speech and the insurrection, the real preparation is associated with the election fraud misinformation prior to January 6. The president’s litigation record of 1 win, 64 losses provides considerable guideposts for that preparation.

Proud Boys helped lead insurrection: . Asked at the debate to tell the Proud Boys to stand down, Orange Julius told them to “stand back and stand by”.

New New Yorker video of Capitol insurrection: .

No Sunday “armed march” in DC: . WSJ: More: .

Weekend protests small at US statehouses: . More: . WSJ: More, with photos: .

Trump may not receive intelligence updates: . This courtesy obviously carries significant risk. This decision is a no-brainer given the two impeachments and the reasons behind them. Also, Trump may not be interested, given that his name won’t be in the reports anymore, unless he wants to monetize the information for his future media presence.

Biden’s options for dealing with Trump: . Biden has already made his path plain. He will focus on moving the nation forward through action. Accountability of Trump and associates will be left to DOJ. The driving piece of accountability right now is prosecution of the insurrectionists. That will build the case of Trump’s danger. Further accountability will come from the Senate trial. Pardon is almost certainly off the table, at least for 2021.

Trump to issue around 100 pardons and commutations on Tuesday: . Remember, there is a DOJ process for pardon and commutation review which has been completely ignored by the Trump enterprise.

Trump throws himself a going-away party on Wednesday morning: . And plaintiffs revive their legal actions against Orange Julius starting Thursday.

Trump allies heavily involved in incitement rally: .

Rove on Giuliani: His defense will get Trump convicted: . No sh*t, Sherlock. But Trump does not have a meaningful defense. The question is whether GOP senators are again prepared to look the other way. As (1) Trump incited an attack on the Capitol; (2) Trump is out of office; and (3) a conviction allows the Senate to bar Trump from running for office, if McConnell votes for impeachment Trump may be toast.

Senate GOP to argue that a president can’t be impeached after leaving office: . This is the best these jellyfish can do for a “look the other way” argument. It has stupid implications. The House made the referral during Trump’s term. McConnell decided not to reconvene the Senate. If the GOP argument were to hold, the Senate could then run out the clock on impeachable offenses. And what if the impeachable offense is only discovered after a president leaves office?

Mitch McConnell’s ties to China: .

GOP nuts talk civil war: . In reality, this increases the possibility of meaningful gun control.

“Cowboys for Trump” founder arrested for Capitol insurrection participation: .

Fox “News” settles suit for $75 million with proviso to keep it secret until after the presidential election: .

Twitter suspends Georgia congresswoman: . Some people are unable to face reality.

Bye bye Keystone: .

Phil Spector dies at 81: . WSJ: More: .

Americans survive America’s Cup disaster: . This event is certainly not getting the publicity of years past. Video: .