News for January 15 — Vaccine Delivery Delays; Virus Mutation

Vaccine delivery delays in US caused by federal deception: . HHS Secretary Alex Azar pressed the states to accelerate their vaccination schedules because the federal government was releasing its stockpile. But there is no stockpile. The states have expended resources to gear up, and opened more groups to receive the nonexistent vaccine. Azar continues to insist it is the states’ problem.

Azar resigns on schedule: . So, (almost) every political appointee has to resign on January 20 unless the new president keeps them on. Azar announced early apparently to say, I would have resigned earlier except for the pandemic. This makes no logical sense given his intentional sabotage of the states as described in the prior paragraph.

WSJ: Vaccine delivery delays in New York: .

WSJ: One problem with Operation Warp Speed: no speed: .

Biden announces plan to speed vaccine delivery: . More: . The prior effort is now considered Operation Warped Spud. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Kessler joins Biden’s COVID team: . Chief science officer? The best known ones are Spock and Data. I thought we were done with the Operation Warped Spud approach.

Global death toll tops 2 million: . This is just reported deaths. Current estimates are that 2.8 million have died so far.

CDC says UK strain may be dominant in US by March: . This is obvious because of the way prior, more infectious strains have moved to dominance. The central problem with the model is that we have essentially no data because the US doesn’t do significant genomic sequencing. WSJ: More: .

A primer on virus mutation: . I hate it when the virus is anthropomorphized. It is not “improving”. The virus mutates, and the most effective mutations (in terms of reproduction) come to dominate. That is evolution. Because we let it spread unchecked, the population carries a massive viral load which leads to more rapid appearance of viable mutations. The current rush to vaccinate is attempting to keep the vaccines effective before mutations outrun the antibodies they generate. More: .

The week’s summary of COVID studies from Scientific American: .

WSJ: US mask makers get antitrust protection for cooperative effort: .

WSJ: Arizona on brink of care rationing: .

Maryland funds drug affordability board: .

Nordic and Baltic countries criticize short notice by Pfizer of vaccine delivery delays: . The UK is also affected: . WSJ: As is Canada: .

UK closes travel corridors for a month: . Wait, what? Given that the UK is the home of the now-dominant UK strain, what about outbound travel? Apparently this is fear based on the South African and South American variants. However, given their aggressive vaccination campaign, this could make some sense if vaccination levels significantly increase in the next 30 days.

WSJ: UK prioritizes elderly, delays herd immunity: . No. On an overall population basis, the vaccination percentage does not change based on who you choose vaccinate. The prioritization of essential workers covers those people who must have the most interaction with others. And by the way, WSJ, when 95% of the deaths are in people over 50, and 80% in those over 65, basic humanity requires those people be vaccinated first.

WSJ: IRS to start accepting tax returns February 12: .

Bavarian igloo makers caught: .

WSJ: Capitol Steps folds: . Oh, and political prognostication …

Gates is largest US farmland owner: . His acreage is well-positioned to grow … cotton. Just sayin’ …

NRA declares moral and financial bankruptcy, considers paper move to Texas: . This is interesting timing for the long-expected filing. It is an unusual way to demonstrate “its strongest financial shape in years”. Why is Wayne LaPierre still in charge? WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Companies get deeper into politics: . Huh? The companies cut off political contributions and that puts them deeper into politics? This is at best intellectual jiu jitsu.

Business interruption insurance must pay in the UK: .

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FBI investigates 37 in death of Capitol cop: . This is the initial group considered for felony murder charges. If some of these people were involved in planning the insurrection or making online threats against the Capitol, they will be the prime targets. If there is relevant video, it has been intentionally withheld to this point. These people are also the major flight risks to Mexico. Will they swim the Rio Grande going south?

DOJ Inspector General opens review of DOJ response to Capitol insurrection: . Among the issues are whether insiders cooperated with the insurrectionists, to what extent the insurrectionists trained or coordinated in advance of January 6, what further threats exist, and how the massive web of disinformation built during the Trump years can be counteracted. DOJ is unlikely to reach all of these issues, but the wide variety of reviews under way and to come likely will. It is going to take months if not years to understand what happened.

Pelosi taps Russell Honoré to lead Capitol Security review: . His leadership in Hurricane Katrina recovery began in 2005. Honoré retired in 2008: .

Pelosi says Republican House members who aided insurrectionists may be subject to criminal prosecution: . Lots of new details in this article (published noon EST Friday). An important point gaining attention in recent days is the reasoning behind the January 5 letter. House tours have been cancelled for some time due to the pandemic. That is why the tours on January 5 raised immediate attention.

Former GOP congressman distances himself from Republican Party/cult: . Who wants to belong to a cult led by Ted Cruz?

Feds walk back “kill and capture” allegation: . Apparently the plastic hand ties are indirect evidence. The “flag” he was holding was a spear. And then there’s “Hang Mike Pence!”. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Feds say evidence of advance coordination emerging: .

Governor Hogan declares state of emergency through inauguration: .

Comey provides another reason for the Senate to convict Trump: . This pretty much ties the hands of the director of intelligence to not provide these briefings now.

Trump approval rating drops to 29%: . Within the 29% are 24% (83% of the subgroup) who say Trump bears no responsibility for the January 6 insurrection. What will it take to educate these people? Something like the equal time rule should be imposed on Fox and its cohorts on the right. Compliance is likely not a problem for the “Fake News” – that is, the mainstream media.

Jared and Ivanka tell the Secret Service to piss off, who then crap out at the Obamas and have to rent an apartment for potty breaks: . Their departure from the public eye is long overdue.

The Trump “comeback”: . For perspective, here is Brett Arends in 2015: . Who thought Donald Trump was a smart guy based on “The Apprentice”? And by the way, the financial health of the Trump Organization doesn’t look too good. But that’s probably Eric’s fault, right?

WSJ: Another view of Trumpism: . No, Gerry. Hell no. Trumpism is based on irrational anger, which is why it could migrate away from facts. Everyone, especially the media, needs to work on the body politic to return to fact-based discussion.