News for December 17 — Sixth Dose Stretches Pfizer Vaccine

Sixth dose stretches Pfizer vaccine supply up to 20%: .

VA plans to waste extra vaccine, then reverses course: . The sixth dose has been highly publicized. Do these people live under a rock?

FDA advisors endorse Moderna vaccine: . Once approved, 6 million doses will be in the initial shipment. This vaccine only requires normal refrigeration. It therefore has far fewer last-mile issues than does the Pfizer vaccine.

US hitting grim new daily COVID records for deaths and cases: .

NE storm may disrupt vaccine distribution: .

The storm does not excuse the fact that the feds do not have an adequate distribution plan: . Biden’s caution seemed informed, and it is proving out. The sources of the misinformation are Alex Azar and Ron DeSantis. I’m shocked … not.

Study: Most pregnant women with COVID asymptomatic: . Well, maybe. As the article notes, this is a specialized NYC hospital. You may also remember seeing it on the evening news in April. This hospital was described as “the epicenter of the epicenter” of the pandemic: .  The Gothamist, of course, is Bruce Wayne’s online newspaper.

WSJ: COVID precautions thwarting the flu: . Please note that it’s early in the traditional flu season. And we’ve expected this for quite some time.

A smack between the eyes on the differences between the flu and COVID-19: . The graphics and the mortality discussion are particularly compelling.

California is now the pandemic’s epicenter: . There are no ICU beds in Southern California. People are waiting 7 hours or more in ambulances for hospital admission: . More on Southern California: .

Data on coronavirus and public holidays: . The mainstream media is trying every way it can to inform the public on the death that confronts us.

8 nuns die of COVID in nursing home in one week: . Obviously, we have not solved the urgent problem of protecting nursing home residents. The reporter wanted to interview survivors, but there “ain’t nun” left. Sorry, sorry …

Dr. Fauci issues Christmas COVID warning: .

US Supreme Court provided vaccine access: .

Waitress fired for video of maskless governor: . Apparently the bar had a policy against her actions.

Weekly unemployment claims continue to rise: . And the relief bill is still “near” … WSJ: More: .

Stimulus checks in proposed relief bill: . Congress may work through the weekend on the relief package: .

Biden’s climate leadership team: . It’s a good idea not to fry Planet A when there is no Planet B. Oh, and that “no planet B” guy has COVID: . I didn’t realize that Macron’s wife, 25 years his senior, is his former college teacher.

Russian hack hammers US government information: . The government has not released the true extent of the hack, but indications are it is really damaging.

Sweden’s king on COVID: We have failed: . Agreed.

WSJ: Germany hit hard in autumn COVID wave: .

WSJ: Who wins from Brexit?: . New York yes, but Frankfurt is a much bigger winner. I can hardly stand to watch the UK destroy itself over the lies told to pass Brexit.

Chinks in the eviction moratorium: . This finds the DC ban on FILINGS to be unconstitutional, but does not interfere with the ban on actual evictions. However, there may be challenges to the eviction ban now as well. Also, making the filing now may expedite the eviction process once the moratorium is lifted.

The Pence slither: . Pence can’t be elected President in 2024, but he has a shot at the Republican nomination if Trump does not run or is incarcerated. A homophobic jerk to be sure, but he’s positioning himself as Trump Lite.

WSJ: Fish skin camouflage, the physics: . Another very interesting idea in this occasional but insightful series.