News for December 16 — First US Allergic Vaccine Reaction

First US allergic vaccine reaction: .

Coronavirus may slip its genetic material into our chromosomes: . This may explain some aspects of the long-haulers’ symptoms. It is also a scary unknown.

CDC says children more likely to get COVID at home than from school: . In my view, this study does not prove the CDC conclusion. The infection vector is determined by reporting of the parents, who are a step removed from the child’s actual contacts at school. We know that children are more likely to have limited or no symptoms. We also understand that 40% or more of cases come from asymptomatic transmission.

So there is every possibility that children receive COVID through asymptomatic transmission. Thus the potential transmitters may not be accurately reported. As such, the correlations described in this small sample are to me not compelling.

COVID main story in 2020 mortality: .

California reports over 53,000 daily cases: . It is hard to ignore the grim march of the pandemic through the holidays.

After passing, US now negotiating for more Pfizer vaccine: .

Pfizer expects to complete first round of shipments today (Wednesday), start second round Thursday: .

US vaccine distribution by state (updating):

Is Pfizer vaccine safer than Moderna shot?: .

COVID causes Massachusetts snowplow driver shortage, may affect storm response: .

Party animal Pompeo in quarantine: . Anti-science behavior continues on the way out. 35 days and counting … WSJ: More: .

Why was vaccine development time so short?: . These reasons are valid. However, we now know a great deal about rapid genome sequencing. This allowed rapid discovery of the spike protein RNA. That is the basis of the mRNA vaccines.

Why does 2020 feel so long?: . This article argues 2020 is a time warp because we’ve lost our sense of both the present and the future.

COVID baby bust: .

Tyson managers fired for COVID infection betting pool: . Apparently the corporate sensitivity training program had some gaps. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: NYC MTA avoids deep cuts for now: .

Trump warned off firing Wray by White House counsel: . Right, we wouldn’t want a black mark on Trump’s outstanding record …

Politifact’s “Lie of the Year”: . Of course, it’s Donnie & The Giant Pandemic. But the analysis here could be useful if you’re still talking to any Trump supporters. Here’s the original “award” article: . And it’s damn thorough about how Trump’s bootlickers promoted their disinformation into an infodemic.

Nuts to the core: . Michael Caputo escaped on leave after coming unhinged publicly. Now we find he was unhinged for a long period of time.

More on the looming eviction tsunami: .

Relief/stimulus package now includes stimulus checks: . Six months late and a trillion dollars short, but a deal may be stumbling across the 2020 finish line. More: . WSJ: More: .

Smear of female veteran leads to IG report and backlash: . This old boys BS makes me sick.

Mackenzie Scott’s $4.2 billion investment in US communities: . Jeff Bezos’ ex explains her philanthropy in the past 6 months. Several things leap out. Her team looked at almost 6,500 organizations, researched 822, and funded 384. That’s an average grant of about $11 million per organization. The gifts represent 7.5% of her $56 billion net worth – again, in 6 months!

Her note gives a link to each of the organizations. There are a significant number of HBCU’s and Native American organizations. There is also a large group of Easter Seals, Meals on Wheels, United Way, YMCA and YWCA affiliates. For many of these organizations, a grant of this size is a gamechanger. I’ve never understood why anyone waits until their death to make a large portion of their charitable bequests. You can only see and assess the effects of your charity if you give during your lifetime. Bravo to Mackenzie Scott for aggressively pursuing and funding her beliefs.