News for November 29 — Freezers for Pharmacies

WSJ: Freezers for pharmacies: . There is considerable expense associated with distributing the Pfizer vaccine in particular. Some workarounds are developing: .

The potential for rapid coronavirus mutation: . In this case, the patient was not reinfected. Some virus lingered in his body and mutated. This raises questions about prior findings of reinfection based on a different genomic signature of the second “recurrence”.

How many Americans have been infected? Yesterday we reported the latest estimate of 100 million. However, today’s WSJ reporting on the same study raised some questions that seemed worth additional exploration: . Note that the model estimated 53 million infections at the end of September. We have essentially doubled the case count since then.

The 100 million figure thus comes from doubling the infection estimate. This assumes that it’s still valid that only 1 in 8 infections are discovered as cases. While testing remains inadequate, it is considerably more robust than 2 months ago. I therefore suspect the 100 million is overstated, and we are even farther from herd immunity.

Another superspreader from the maskless “election fraud” crowd?: .

New York City schools reopen with revised pandemic protocol: .

Negative US news coverage of COVID-19: . This Fortune story seems goofy. So here is the original study: . The Fortune article is reasonably accurate reporting of this goofy study. Here are some alternate conclusions I think are more appropriate.

(1) The US has terrible and uniquely bad pandemic results, especially given the strength of our medical community. (2) We alone have a “leader” who commands press coverage and is a both a complete incompetent and a ridiculous liar when it comes to the pandemic. (3) Only the US and Brazil have no national plan, and the same abject failure in managing the pandemic. (4) We may be conditioned to prefer negative news. That is likely a result of the incoherent behavior of the White House in the last 4 years. (5) All of these points are backed by considerable evidence and experience.

WSJ: Trump Census nonsense: . The most disturbing aspect of this story is that the Supreme Court took up this so-called issue with the lower courts in agreement. That generally does not happen unless the Court intends to overrule.

The Constitution specifies that conduct of the Census is a Congressional power: . The decision is unlikely to come down before Biden is inaugurated. If I were Biden, I’d reverse the Trump rule on Day 1 even if the Census had been “completed”.

WSJ: Flushing Devos: . Remember Devo (Whip It)? Betsy Devos is apparently a plural version of devolution. Bye-bye.

WSJ: Dust Bowl 2020: . Former GM employees are hardly the only folks forced by this economy to commute or move.

WSJ: The slower recovery for blacks: .

WSJ: State and local spending cuts are coming: . It is infuriating that Republicans have held up stimulus for these governments. It is quite obviously not solely a blue state problem.

Biden to make major appointments to economic team: . WSJ: More: .

Biden appoints all-female communications team: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Debate grows on Biden defense secretary options: . Don’t know much about Michele Flournoy. Jeh Johnson would be an excellent pick.

Pandemic worsens in Turkey: . Note that there is an underlying data problem. Asymptomatic cases were not included in the case count until last Wednesday.

WSJ: China is beating our butt: . First, control the virus … Our ridiculous underperformance is making the case for authoritarian behavior.

Malaria rages in Africa: . This regional epidemic is a result of COVID-19’s disruption. We again see the problem of attributing excess deaths during the pandemic.

WSJ: S&P faces challenges in adding Tesla: . Here’s another situation where the price is not justified by typical investment metrics. Tesla is a momentum stock, and one dip in results could cause a run for the exits.

WSJ: UK Brexit chaos approaches: . More trade disruption in the middle of the pandemic cannot be good for Europe or for global economics.

The Saints ain’t, and are fined for it: .

WSJ: Darth Vader actor passes: . Even the portrayers of pure evil are in retreat.

WSJ: Additional details on Tony Hsieh’s death: . This is disturbing, but it answers some of the questions in yesterday’s reporting.

WSJ: A novel health strategy: .