News for November 28 — Dr. Fauci and Compassionate Reassurance

Dr. Fauci: Christmas and New Year’s will be no different than Thanksgiving: . Depending on the Thanksgiving surge, it could be worse. Also, Dr. Fauci assures us that Santa has innate immunity: . The good news is, Dr. Fauci is able to provide compassionate reassurance. The bad news is, sometimes medical professionals don’t tell the whole story, again in the interest of compassion. But then there’s Dr. Atlas…

US infections estimated at 100 million: . That’s about 33% of the US population, or less than halfway to herd immunity.

Mayo Clinic staff struggles with COVID-19 infections: .

U of Arizona researchers recommend 3-week state stay-at-home order, mask mandate to avoid overwhelming hospitals: .

Data expected to be erratic after Thanksgiving: . This is essentially the weekend effect elongated, together with a surge followed by a lull in testing. Hospitalization data should be a more reliable measure in this period, although of course hospitalization data lags case data. Theoretically, you could use hospitalization data with lag reversed to normalize case data for any period.

The normalcy timeline: (link replaced 1/21/21). It takes a while to get to the point, but the guess is at least a year to return to near-normal.

WSJ: Transit agencies cut staff and service: .

Trump administration works to block Biden: . Other than Southern secession after Lincoln’s victory in 1860, I am hard pressed to think of other examples of organized government resistance to a newly elected President.

US military not involved in vaccine distribution: . The AP article points out that Trump is a liar and an idiot, which is not news.

UK appoints COVID-19 vaccines minister to oversee inoculations: .

Germany passes 1 million cases: . The US had 2 million cases in October, and 4 million more in November.

German protesters trivialize Nazi persecution: . Has the Internet organized stupidity?

Trump’s love affair takes an ugly turn: .

Trump’s “I’m still President” desk goes viral: . And then photoshopped versions went viral: . It’s hard to think of many in public positions that are anywhere near this hated. Oh, and Trump’s still an idiot.

Tony Hsieh, retired Zappos CEO, dies from injuries: . Hsieh (pronounced “shay”), 46, was apparently injured in a house fire. Many questions remain.