News for November 26 — New General-Use Facemasks

WSJ: New general-use facemasks roll out: .

ACB votes to block New York COVID orders: . It’s not good that ACB has immediately stepped up on a religious case, and in opposition to the Chief Justice. The case is also wrongly decided, in my view.

The WSJ take, which somehow fails to mention ACB: . By “somehow”, I mean WSJ is burying the real story, which is that ACB may be an even worse justice than Clarence Thomas. As noted previously, ACB’s failure to follow John Roberts early in her tenure is a troubling sign. UPDATE: Here’s a later WSJ article which does get the point: .

WSJ: War zone doctors aid southern Italy: . It’s sad to compare this to the last piece here on southern Italy, from October 7. At least the prior piece offers a temporary mental escape.

WSJ: Midwest governors call for additional federal stimulus: . Outdoor dining is a tough sell for the next 5 months.

WSJ: Black Friday for a store clerk: . It’s not logical to risk your life to sell a Peloton. Times are tough.

WSJ: UN highlights global Pink Recession: . The setbacks minorities have suffered also apply to the female majority.

WSJ: South Korea’s Central Bank remains confident on recovery despite COVID-19 rise: . What WSJ describes as a low rate is miniscule in comparison to the US disaster. So the article really makes no sense. Our frame of reference is not relevant.

WSJ: Japan’s Central Bank has $56 billion gain from stock market trades: . This is very unusual behavior for a central bank.

WSJ: EY’s Wirecard problems grow: .

WSJ: Young voters key for Biden: . WSJ is apparently still looking for that bus back to Earth from Mars. We knew this on November 4. The real point is that Trump is driving the Republican Party into a demographic dead end. And he’s also killing his maskless supporters.

WSJ: Mr. Pathetic stays the course: .

Thanksgiving is a slow news day – hope yours was enjoyable, altered as it is this year…