News for November 20 — Pfizer applies to FDA for EUA

Pfizer applies to FDA for EUA for vaccine: . Pfizer estimates it can provide 50 million doses of its 2 dose vaccine this year. WSJ: More: .

Oxford vaccine shows strong immune response in those over 55: .

WSJ: Vaccine scoreboard update: .

US daily deaths exceed 2,000: And the Coronavirus Task Force gave its first public briefing since July, and took no questions. There is nothing resembling leadership here.

WSJ: Testing demand surges: . Yet another utterly predictable failure, with the result that still more lives will be unnecessarily lost.

One wonders how this country managed to put a man on the moon over 60 years ago. Competence at the top matters. Even incompetence that listens and learns would be preferable to the ongoing lunacy of denying reality.

WSJ: Walmart heirs back testing start-up: . Swell. When I think of quality, I think of Walmart. Just not in a good way.

The tests Governor Larry Hogan claims saved Maryland lives were in fact flawed and never used: . So apparently the only Republican we can trust is Mitt Romney? We are in major trouble.

WSJ: Can testing fix Europe?: . No. We already know the answer. Testing will only work if coupled with meticulous contact tracing and isolation. Europe is losing control in the same way we have, and the case level is currently too high for effective contact tracing.

Does case drop in India reflect poor testing?: . So, they’re following the Trump strategy? Don’t do good testing, and you’ll find less cases.

US breaks more COVID-19 records: .

WSJ: San Francisco struggles against surge: .

WSJ: US churches put collection plate over flock: . How comforting for the faithful – my shepherd claims the right to slaughter the sheep.

The hospital staffing shortage: .

WSJ: French hospitals on the brink: .

Would it help compliance to see what’s going on in hospitals?: . Somehow I suspect the people who need to watch are not the ones who would watch.

WSJ: One person’s lie shuts down Australian state: .

Pandemic costs reducing healthcare in poorer countries: .

Can melatonin offer COVID-19 inflammation protection?: .

Ben Carson was “desperately ill” with COVID-19: .

Trump Jr., Giuliani’s son test positive for COVID-19: . This follows a basic public health finding that rats spread disease.

Acting Secretary of Defense exposed but not quarantining: . Of course. He’s only got 2 months in the job, max, so he can’t miss his chance to really screw up national security.

WSJ: Employment growth slows: .

WSJ: More privatization funny business: . The problem is, this is not funny. Crappy mortgage oversight led to the 2008 global financial meltdown. Loss of market confidence would cause another meltdown.

Proposal to bury non-veteran presidents at Arlington: . The timing is pretty suspect. In Trump’s case, there are laws about intentionally polluting the groundwater.

Pennsylvania voters still angry: (link replaced 3/17/21). So you need health care, and you express your concern by infecting a nurse … It’s a perfect example of me first, screw everyone else …

A House Republican “Squad”?: . Uh-huh. Given the lack of vertebrae in conservative politicians, they could be called “The Squid”. In another contrast, Biden’s lawyers are a crack legal squad, whereas Trump’s lawyers are a crackpot legal squad.

WSJ: House races remain too close to call: .

Georgia Secretary of State certifies Biden win; Governor certifies electors while sliming the room: . The WSJ take: . This rendition suggests there is some aspect of sanity in the followers of the Orange Menace. Where’s the evidence? Not 4 more years; 2 more months. And then 4 years of complaining and denial. Most of us are changing the channel.

Jerry Jones promotes fantasy for money: . The most surprising sentence in this article describes Jones as “immensely likeable”. The writer may be the only person on the planet who thinks that.

(Today’s special section – historical quotes)

“Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but of how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness” – Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804)(from today’s Daily Pnut).

Kant also wrote, “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made”.

In a 1956 speech, John F. Kennedy declared, “Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality. This question of the basic right of each citizen to be permitted to develop his talents to the maximum regardless of his race or creed is a moral question.”,this%20newspaper%20has%20been%20neutral. .

 At this time, Kennedy’s Democratic Party included the racist Southerners who now form the base of the Republican Party. Kennedy was elected President 4 years later and led on civil rights. His opponent, Richard Nixon, executed his Southern Strategy which realigned the parties. Today’s Republican politicians should prepare themselves for warm temperatures.  Unless, of course, they don’t believe in Hell and are just misleading their followers for their own pursuit of power.

(In closing)

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