News for November 19 — Picking Up Bad Vibrations

Picking up bad vibrations: .

WSJ: Review confirms strong vaccine response in elderly: . Again, this is extremely important. The elderly show the most vulnerability to COVID-19. It is typical for the elderly to have weaker immune responses to vaccines.

US testing falls short of need: . At this point, it appears vaccines will ship before we get adequate testing.

WSJ: FDA to begin vaccine EUA reviews: .

WSJ: Tony Tata’s tests tank: . Another senior Pentagon official goes down …

WHO recommends against remdesivir: .

WSJ: New drug rules coming: . As previously discussed, this is a pale improvement in comparison to letting Medicare negotiate drug prices.

Europe faces COVID-19 surge: .

Middle East faces COVID-19 surge: .

Kenya faces COVID-19 surge: .

India reaches 9 million cases: . The good news is that no Thanksgiving travel is planned.

It remains my view that there is no evidence that the virus is seasonal (!). Increasing resistance to public health measures is exacerbating the result of people spending time indoors. In other words, human behavior is the culprit in these surges. And Kenya is on the equator …

Belgium abandoned its elderly to COVID-19: . It’s a good thing I no longer drink … any future daily newsletter from me will be on puppies or clouds or …

WSJ: COVID-19 leads to halt of high school sports: .

WSJ: Vaccine progress buoys Olympics: .

Pence expresses confidence at first Task Force briefing since July: . As if we didn’t already know why that fly was so attracted to his head …

WSJ: COVID-19 hospital treatment improves: . No surprise here.

WSJ: COVID-19 exploits socio-economic status in New York: . No surprise here, either.

More on why Dr. Atlas is an idiot: . As you know, the Actuarial Code of Conduct prohibits you from signing an opinion which you are not qualified to sign. This suggests the actuarial profession has higher standards than the medical profession. As to the legal profession, I’m not going there, Rudy.

CDC pleads for no Thanksgiving travel: . WSJ: More: .

My family doesn’t really care about the turkey anymore. But there would be a riot if I didn’t make this dressing: . I typically use a pound of mild sausage and a pound of hot sausage (that’s the family preference), and red or rainbow chard depending on which looks best in the produce section.

It’s a terrific leftover, too. Also, I put this together the day before and refrigerate it. This makes Thanksgiving Day a lot easier on the cook. I also serve a Costco pumpkin pie – it’s hard to justify baking with this available.

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims head back up: .

WSJ: DeBlasio deliberated for hours over NYC school closure: . Which is hours more than Trump has considered troop withdrawals, the tax bill, you name it.

Mnuchin cuts off Fed lending programs, is rebuked by Fed: . Does Mnuchin have any expressed reason for doing this? It does look like economic sabotage.

Census screw-ups screw up the evil plans of the Screw-Up-in-Chief: . Trump’s stunts would have been tied up in court for a long time anyway.

WSJ: Brexit deal update: . This still looks like the stupidest political act in modern times.

NY state investigation of Trump Organization for criminal tax fraud expands: (link replaced 11/29/20). Hey, the orange jumpsuit will match his skin and hair. Just don’t give him broadcast privileges.

White House plans Hanukkah event: . Can this get any more absurd? This headline is a real possibility: Trump lines up Jews for tour of bunker. Based on the White House track record, it will be a miracle if this is not a super-spreader event.

Judges toss more Republican lawsuits: .

Trump goes for broke as legal effort fades: . Interesting headline wording. Trump has over $400 million in debt coming due in the next few years. Going broke is a real possibility. His focus on media involvement makes sense (and cents) from many perspectives, and they’re all about him. The WSJ take: .

Georgia recount confirms Biden won: . Is Don tired of losing yet? The world is tired of Don …

House Democrats demand briefing on election certification from GSA chief: . It seems pretty straightforward. As soon as my new job comes through, I’ll recognize the truth. Before that, I can’t risk having the President fire me. The Georgia recount result increases the pressure.

Georgia “get out the vote” operations continue: . It’s now a “help Joe” operation.

More stock headaches for Georgia’s Perdue: .

The importance to America of having the American dream in Pakistan: .

Hospital serenade: . We’ve had musical salutes to the staff before, but this is a first …