News for November 8 — The Zoom Effect; Alex Trebek

The Zoom Effect: increased plastic surgery demand: . There is an alternate explanation. As people are working remotely, they can recuperate from a procedure without having to interact with others. Also, non-facial procedures are not visible on Zoom. This could be called the Anti-Zoom Effect, although it’s really more the Time in Solitary Effect.

Texas passes 1 million cases: . Texas is the first state to do so. California is right behind. .

US round-up: US passes 10 million cases: .

Global round-up: World passes 50 million cases: . The world passed 10 million cases just over 4 months ago: .

How weird is it to set all these records on the same day? Our use of the decimal system makes these results recognized as records. However, it’s no accident that the US has 20% of the world’s cases with 4% of the world’s population. It is a direct result of denying science and public health principles.

“It’s a slaughter”: . A pretty depressing view, it’s hard to argue with current circumstances.

Drug-resistant yeast superbug spreading in hospitals during COVID-19 surge: . Swell. Oddly, Candida means white, while auris means gold. This yeast hardly seems like white gold.

Republican spines remain in short supply: . Forget the big inaugural, even if it is outside.

Republican leadership even more scarce: . This is the Trump Effect.

In other dimwit news: (link replaced 1/26/22). You may remember Gaetz as Roger Stone’s illegitimate child: .

Future news: . As to whether Trump can pardon himself, the strongest argument for NO is “No man is above the law”. Self-pardon violates that principle. The strongest argument for YES: Conservatives hold a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court. However, the Court is a political body (it is one of three branches of the federal government after all), and this would be political suicide.

A more interesting possibility: Trump resigns and Pence pardons him in a pre-cut deal. That still doesn’t solve Trump’s legal problems in New York. Michael Cohen’s comments indicate Trump is guilty of criminal tax evasion. The most appealing aspect of a Trump conviction is that broadcasts likely would not be allowed from prison. And: .

WSJ: ACA returns to the Supreme Court: . The Court is unlikely to decide until June. The penalty approach was included to appease Republicans, and to keep healthcare structured as a private system. It is galling that they litigate against it with no replacement, despite their decades of unkept promises to present a plan. A possible, legally acceptable alternative is Medicare for All.

WSJ: PPP fraud evidence mounts: . This has been an obvious concern for some time. There should be a post mortem by Congress to at least learn where the design should have been tightened.

WSJ: Japan’s version of PPP: .

CDC holiday guidelines: . This doesn’t contain any surprising information, but it’s helpful to know guidelines are out there.

WSJ: Biden policy summary: .

WSJ: All eyes on Georgia’s Senate races: . Given the closeness of the Presidential election in Georgia and the stakes for Senate control, both sides will be highly motivated. The Democrats have Stacey Abrams’ existing registration and turn-out organization. Donald Trump will have some free time, but it is unclear how his involvement might shape these races. Barack Obama has already visited Georgia on Biden’s behalf. Biden and Harris will likely also be involved.

WSJ: Divided government does not help stocks: .

WSJ: Affirmative action on trial in North Carolina: .

Did I say I was looking forward to reducing political comment here after the election? Circumstances are unlikely to allow that, at least for now …

WSJ: Alex Trebek passes: . Pancreatic cancer has a very low long-term survival rate, and (apologies) Trebek had been in Jeopardy for some time. My condolences to his family and to fellow fans.