News for October 11 — Overweight People Risk Severe COVID-19

CDC: Overweight people risk severe COVID-19: . Together with obese individuals, this means 72% of US adults have increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease.

Is declining viral load behind the falling mortality rate for COVID-19 patients?: . A simpler explanation for the lower initial viral loads in patients is that as the pandemic progressed, people sought treatment earlier. Ockham’s razor …

WSJ: Virus antigen testing deploying in Europe: . This smart addition provides rapid testing, allowing for better contact tracing.

Trump appointee blocking government scientists from studying animal transmission of COVID-19: . We have never seen this sort of attack on scientific investigation, except maybe at the cigarette companies.

WSJ: Nevada bows to federal pressure on nursing home testing: . False positives and negatives create serious problems in nursing homes because of improper patient location.

Inhaled vaccines: the advantage of local immunity: . Maximizing viral resistance in the respiratory system is an important benefit of inhaled vaccines.

WSJ: Cost estimates around deferred healthcare: .

WSJ: Lessons for the next pandemic: . Another in “The COVID Storm” series. The college phrase for this in my day was, “I call BS”. We knew practically everything in this article. Once a crisis passes, we tend to defund. The CDC was our basic line of defense. The failed CDC test kits missed the window of opportunity. Incompetent political involvement has turned this into an ongoing disaster.

 There are only two lasting advantages for future pandemics in the US. One, vaccines can be developed more quickly with RNA-based technology. Testing will still take time. Two, public health experts will lead the next national pandemic response (as they have in the past). The current failure will live long in politics. A possible three is that we will have a national public health system next time.

WSJ: Vaccine injuries will receive limited compensation: . Yet another situation which will increase vaccine skepticism.

US COVID-19 safety net has plenty of holes: .

WSJ: Shorter work week does not lead to job gains: .

Tied to your job by healthcare: . This chart shows the explosive increase of the cost of healthcare relative to the average wage of the lower 90% workforce. Over the last 20 years, the average wage has increased 65.5% while healthcare costs for single and family coverage have more than tripled. Leaving your job for a situation where employer-paid healthcare is unavailable is unaffordable for most American workers.

WSJ: Remote work may lead to pay cuts: . This does not seem wise in terms of employee retention and satisfaction.

WSJ: The ASU COVID experience: . A quick read with nice slides.

Ongoing pandemic shortages: . The list includes bicycles and laptops.

WSJ: Global round-up: . Cases in India surpass 7 million.

Has a new COVID-19 mutation emerged in Chile?: . As previously commented, mutation risk is enhanced due to the heavy virus load in the global population.

WSJ: New York hot spots get hotter: . More: Cuomo launches COVID-19 book: . The launch timing is certainly interesting.

Fauci objects to his inclusion in Trump campaign ad: .

US stimulus negotiations are stalled again: . WSJ: More: . The fundamental problem is no clear consensus among Republicans.

WSJ: ECB remains aggressive on stimulus: . More: Interview transcript: .

UK economic growth slowed in August: . This was despite the boost to restaurants in the Eat Out to Help Out program.

WSJ: Q3 earning due this week: . P/E ratios have been insanely high for some time now. The market is being driven by Fed stimulus. Another factor is government stimulus that went to the wealthy rather than those who need it. That cash has to go somewhere, and bonds are unattractive.

WSJ: Betting on Bond – James Bond: .

WSJ: Restaurants having K-shaped recovery: . All signs are that the US gap between rich and poor is widening.

 Judiciary Committee hearings on Amy Coney Barrett start Monday: . These aren’t really hearings, because Senate Republicans announced they would confirm before anyone was nominated. The Democrats will be aggressive but careful as she is a female, Catholic nominee. While the dance these days is that nominees refuse to comment on their positions, they can be questioned on their writings (RBG did, extensively). WSJ: More: . A straightforward analysis: .

Ninth Circuit halts border wall construction: . A “smart” border wall would cut costs by over 96%: . It also avoids most land condemnation.