News for October 3 — Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis

Reporting of Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis by WSJ in yesterday’s newsletter involves several articles which were updated today. They include: (1) Political effects: ; (2) Trump moved to Walter Reed: ; and (3) Contact tracing: .

However, these updates (as of 11:59 pm Eastern time on 10/3) do not provide the latest information on Trump’s health. Information from the White House unfortunately has been conflicting. WSJ: . More: .

It is clear that the White House has not been transparent. Yesterday’s newsletter noted that given Trump’s shortness of breath, it would be helpful to know his blood oxygen level. We now learn that oxygen was administered to him at the White House; it is not clear why. Undoubtedly blood work and a chest scan have been done after his arrival at Walter Reed, but no information has been forthcoming.

As a reminder (1), symptoms of COVID-19 typically emerge 2 to 4 days after infection. Trump certainly had serious symptoms Friday (so Monday to Wednesday for infection). There is also reporting that Trump appeared lethargic at his Thursday evening fundraiser in New Jersey (so Sunday to Tuesday for infection). (link replaced 1/26/22).

Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis Q&A: .

WSJ: The White House now indicates it will provide daily updates on the President’s health: .

White House precautions seen as waning over time: . More: .

WSJ: The Rose Garden introduction of Amy Coney Barrett is increasingly viewed as a super-spreader event: .

Ron Johnson is third Republican senator to test positive for COVID-19: . While Democrats have few tools to stop or slow the Barrett nomination, these three illnesses jeopardize the Republican quorum. If Lisa Murkowski and/or Susan Collins adhere to their previous positions opposing a vote before Election Day, they can halt the quorum.

As a reminder (2), serious symptoms frequently take a week or more to emerge. So Trump and the three Senators (and other infected Rose Garden attendees) remain at risk of serious complications.

Pence, Harris to sit 12 feet apart at debate: .

WSJ: Should Democrats pack the Court?: . This debate is premature, as Judge Barrett is yet to be confirmed and Joe Biden is yet to be elected. However, if both these events occur, there will likely be consideration of this approach given the Republican refusal to consider Merrick Garland in 2016 and their increasingly frantic rush to confirm Judge Barrett. Many Democrats regard these events as Republican packing of the Court.

WSJ: COVID-19 not politically damaging to Johnson or Bolsonaro: . This article seems in somewhat poor taste as Trump’s age and weight put him more at risk than these other leaders. It is also not accurate (see next article).

Boris Johnson’s popularity sinks over COVID-19: . More: .

Republicans believe the party will pay a price for flouting COVID-19: (link replaced 10/28/21).

WSJ: Wisconsin surge source unclear: .

WSJ: Global update: . Friday’s 54,000 reported US cases is the highest daily count since August 14.

WSJ: White House was source of order attributed to CDC: . CDC officials objected that the order was not an appropriate use of their public health powers.

Rhodes alumni disassociate themselves from Amy Coney Barrett: . It is this connection that led Kayleigh McEnany to refer to Barrett as a Rhodes Scholar.

WSJ: East Germany has less COVID-19 cases per capita than West Germany: . It is interesting to compare this map with the four German sectors following World War II, the Russian sector becoming East Germany.

WSJ: Texas voter suppression battles: . It is clear that states conduct US elections. This has the unfortunate consequence of 50 sets of rules, now subject to a variety of changes and challenges due to COVID-19.

WSJ: Design of Biden tax plan: . The $400,000 affects less than 2% of households, so it doesn’t discourage many potential Biden voters. Second, you go where the money is to get real revenue. Third, the Trump tax cuts heavily benefitted corporations and the wealthy, leading to major deficits even before the pandemic. That needs to be repaired.

Following on the Stockton project reported previously, 25 mayors have now signed on to a guaranteed income, including the mayors of Los Angeles and Oakland, California; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Seattle and Tacoma, Washington; Atlanta; and New Orleans: (link replaced 1028/21).

WSJ: Advertising adjusts to COVID-19: .

WSJ: The perpetual computer: .

WSJ: Bob Gibson passes: . A dominating pitcher, Gibson attributed his success to mental toughness.