News for July 29

WSJ: US round-up, some Asia news at the end: . This article provided a link to this data website, which I really like: . Also, they show data sources and when they most recently pulled data at the bottom of the page – great idea, very helpful.

USNews: US round-up:  .

WSJ: Europe seeing resurgence, governments act: .

WSJ: Iran reluctant to lock down: .

WSJ: Atlanta mask fight cools: .

WSJ: US college re-opening plans: .

School re-openings: experience in other countries: .

WSJ: Adolescent isolation in lockdowns: .

Commentary on US hospitalization data: .

Poverty, race and co-morbidities: .

Racial disparities in health care access: .

Masks helped the Navajo Nation: .

Data analysis:

WSJ: More problems at Indian Health Service: .

The mess in California: .

State government COVID-19 links: .

How do you make COVID-19 death statistics resonate?: . Helpful to think about this when you communicate to a non-actuary – in other words, almost everyone.

WSJ: Using wearables to detect COVID-19: .

Will the virus become seasonal?: . My view continues to be that there is no evidence that the virus is seasonal. This article makes some interesting arguments in the opposite direction. The major change in the virus’ trajectory will occur after the administration of multiple effective vaccines globally, which apparently is two to three years off. An additional issue is the virus’ ability to mutate. After that, seasonality is a possible outcome, but of course coronavirus is not influenza and has a different exterior coating. Further, as its main transmission currently is person-to-person, it is likely that that will be true in the future. This issue will be best revisited after mass vaccination, when presumably outbreaks will focus on the unvaccinated if immunity is long-lasting and significant or rapid mutation does not occur.

WSJ: Pfizer foresees lasting vaccine demand: .

Wired: COVID-19 Compendium: .

Promising Alzheimer’s blood test: .

WSJ: Re-tweeting and comment management: . It’s worthwhile to try and step away from all the political spin to consider what this means for data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Here are some observations: (1) Science is data-driven. There is no alternative to being continually vigilant that data is collected and reported in a transparent and unbiased manner. That means the “reporters” must be subject to scrutiny as well; (2) We must also remain vigilant that the work of science is not politicized; when I look through the reader comments associated with this article, many are calm but there are others who only see information through a political filter, and essentially reject the reported studies of hydroxychloroquine as bias.

What is this reminiscent of? The analogy that comes to mind is the teaching of creationism, dating back to the Scopes monkey trial (1925). This controversy has remained up to the present in the approval of textbooks, redrawn as whether creationism must be taught as an alternative to evolution. As a refresher, here is a summary of the debate in 2005: and the leading court decision in this matter, issued at the end of 2005: .

It helps me to remember that attacks on science can be long-lasting, that some confuse the difference between a theory and a scientific theory, and that the theory of evolution ultimately led to the discovery of DNA, so critical to our current understanding of medicine and the coronavirus. Our understanding of the internet is still growing, but in my view the consideration of how to restrict distribution of false comment is welcome and needs to continue. It is also useful to think about whether the internet giants are the new utilities and should be regulated as such.

WSJ: Fed extends emergency lending program 3 months: .

WSJ: SBA loan program target of fraud: .

WSJ: Smoking increases during pandemic: .

WSJ: GOP relief plan arguments: .

Further delay predicted in air travel rebound: 2024?: .

Police break up New Jersey party of 700, issue summons to homeowner and party organizers: .

Trump administration to not accept new DACA applications and limit current enrollees to 1 year: . This position does not appear to comply with the Supreme Court ruling; you can anticipate that more litigation will follow. More: .

Coronavirus and the Biden campaign: . By far the most detailed reporting I’ve seen on the inner workings of the campaign, including policy development. More on Biden and healthcare: . Americans have come to expect that governance means tacking toward the center after the primaries; the Trump presidency may have completely altered that expectation, at least for 2020.

Sports: More on baseball’s screw-up from an epidemiologist:

Sports? Fauci baseball card Topps’ all-time best seller: .

Latest from Portland: Jailed protesters prohibited from attending protests as condition of release: . One commentator called this “hilariously unconstitutional”. The Founders were revolutionaries, hasn’t anybody seen Hamilton? It is remarkable that federal magistrates have signed these orders, there is no rational legal basis for such a restriction. Many of the protesters believe they are standing up for the right to protest, and this will add fuel to that fire. UPDATE: Federal agents to withdraw from Portland: .