News for June 17

WSJ: More details on UK dexamethasone study: . The study is relatively large (6,425 patients) but details are inadequate until a fuller description is published. I’m sticking with “hopeful” until we know more.

More dark days for Florida: . Feels like arranging deck chairs on the Titanic – although 1,500 died on the Titanic and Florida already has over 3,000 COVID-19 deaths.

And there is human error even in successful systems: .

Here is group of 4 articles; the responses contain interesting data presentations, especially the Daily Mail, and the links in the Vox article are also worth a look (in particular, click on “the COVID-19 pandemic” link in the second paragraph, and then go to the Dylan Matthews article on re-opening – very informative 5 point economic analysis):

WSJ: Mike Pence: .

The media responds (1): .

The media responds (2): .

The media responds (3) (the UK): .