News for July 13

COVID-19 can damage the heart: . A large study, with very concerning results.

Need more concerns?: . The doctor’s mention of dengue fever triggered other associations: I worked with an actuarial student who had done Peace Corps work in Africa and contracted malaria. Every three years or so, he had a relapse. And I have a family member who suffered E. coli as a teenager – every few years, GI issues, which the doctors at the time said was a common occurrence. These are of course relapses and not re-infections. As noted in earlier news posts, I was initially surprised by the idea that COVID-19 antibodies might not offer long-term protection. We just don’t know enough about immunity to COVID-19 yet. We do however know enough about COVID-19 parties; I saw a doctor on the news last night talking about his 30-year-old patient who attended one of these parties and died. The patient’s last words: “I guess I made a mistake”. And: .

Questions about surface transmission: .

Would this fly in the US (or the UK)?: . Maybe the BBC published this to show Britons that lockdowns aren’t the worst thing possible.

WSJ: Global round-up: .

WSJ: Employer responsibilities regarding COVID-19: .

WSJ: Southern California schools not re-opening in fall: .

WSJ: COVID-19 entering Sun Belt nursing homes: . Potentially the worst news of the day.

WSJ: Cruise ship crews hit hard by COVID-19: .

WSJ: Asia’s garment industry hit by pandemic: . The effects on impoverished people are dire.

WSJ: California: Latinos disproportionately affected by COVID-19: .

WSJ: The pain on state and local governments: MTA: .

WSJ: The second wave: Small business bankruptcies coming: .

WSJ: Food production struggles: .

WSJ: Hedge fund wins McClatchy: . Wall Street control of media is increasing, another effect of media bankruptcies.

A music festival now?: .

Disturbing: . I sidestepped this story yesterday to take a day to think about the political content. We now have this follow-up: . And this: . And: . It is more than unfortunate that the pandemic has become a political football; Americans are dying as the White House asks us to ignore things like “inject bleach” and “total authority but no responsibility”. We all know that experts can face questioning of results their clients do not like, which is just part of our reality. However, the criticism of Dr. Fauci is beyond unfair, even worse than the criticism of John McCain, and I for one stand in favor of science and in opposition to delusion and disrespect.

Football: Times finally change: . I lived and worked in DC in the 70’s. Stanford retired its team name, “Indians”, in 1972. “Redskins” was a racist name then; it’s a racist name now. Good riddance.

A “re-tweet” from the satirists at Need2Know: @JaredLogan: oh my god Disney World was great today. The lines were like half as long as usual. Only complaint: have they changed their food? Couldn’t taste anything!