News for December 26 — 250 Million COVID Cases in China

250 million COVID cases in China in 20 days: . Again, the Chinese approach to reopening is mass murder. I continue to believe that actual deaths will be well above the 1 million to 1.5 million estimated by the models reported in the press. The death figures being reported by the Chinese are absurdly low to the point of being offensive.

Japan requires negative COVID test for inbound Chinese travelers: . Of course. With the current tsunami of cases in China, the Chinese government has loosened travel restrictions. That is, they are exporting their pandemic to the world (again). WSJ: More: .

Measles outbreak in Ohio spreads to 80 children: . Apparently the real pandemic in this country is anti-science ignorance, to the point of endangering children. More on these fools: . Measles is a serious disease which can cause brain damage and death: . Measles can also cause severe hearing loss: . Prior to widespread vaccination, measles accounted for 5% to 10% of all deafness in the US.

CDC issues warning about strep A spread: .

Progress toward universal flu vaccine: . This is a huge deal.

FDA grants priority review for an over-the-counter overdose nasal spray: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: The extraordinary costs of the latest gene therapies: . Adjust to it. Some of these therapies are so expensive because they apply to rare conditions. But this is the short-term future of medical advances.

Russia’s negotiating position on Ukraine: Do as we say, or our army will decide the matter: . Like much political speech these days, this is just nuts.

WSJ: The winter war in Ukraine: . This article is short on deep analysis, but it does lay out the general status of the current positions of the combatants.

Ukrainian drone attack kills 3 Russian soldiers at Russian base: . While the Russians claim to have shot the drone down, obviously it was very near its target.

Experts agree: OJ will be indicted: . The newsletter generally avoids wishful thinking on the OJ mess. This analysis strikes me as clear-eyed. Many believe OJ will be indicted by DOJ in the first 6 months of 2023 in order to get a jury verdict before the end of the year and the presidential primaries in early 2024. I also agree that the state cases (New York and Georgia) are the biggest threat to OJ because the President cannot pardon state convictions.

And, there is a boatload of evidence against OJ. The main thing prosecutors need to guard against is a MAGA-maniac sneaking onto the jury and hanging it.

Buffalo storm has killed 57, including 27 in Buffalo and Erie County: . Ahem. As this storm is being compared to the Blizzard of 1977, it is not a “once in a lifetime” blizzard for anyone over 45. This newsletter has previously recounted some aspects of that monster storm. WSJ: More: .

Reality will soon visit this GOP lunatic: . Quite obviously Santos perpetrated a major fraud on the voters. The problem is, this does not appear adequate for the House to refuse to seat him. And with the very slim GOP majority, they likely want to seat him. WSJ: More: .

Oprah Winfrey has Hashimoto’s Disease (underactive thyroid): . This article explains the condition in some detail.

Ali Ahmed Assam, inventor of chicken tikka masala, has passed at 71: . So who knew this dish was invented in Scotland in 1964 using Campbell’s tomato soup? Not me.