2023 Cause of Death Report: https://www.soa.org/4a368a/globalassets/assets/files/resources/research-report/2023/ind-life-covid-cod-2022-q2.pdf . Here is detailed analysis of the effect of the pandemic on US causes of death. Pages 4 and 5 give an executive summary of methods and findings, followed by specifics of what’s changed in US mortality.
WSJ: Moderna booster effective against newest variants: https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/covid-vaccine-shot-booster-fall-86549e1b .
Getting a free COVID test: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/where-to-get-free-covid-test-kits-at-home-by-mail-insurance/ .
WSJ: Expired COVID test kits may still work: https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/at-home-covid-19-tests-expiration-date-11656712335 . I’d rather get a free current test.
Part 2 of the 2023 tripledemic is on its way: https://www.aol.com/news/rsv-season-may-already-begun-151043804.html . With COVID cases already on the rise, here comes RSV. Doctors need to get a clue that their seasonal mentality concerning these diseases does not match the evidence. Even the US government is beginning to figure this out, as the new COVID vaccine may begin distribution next week: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/covid-19-booster-shots-expected-early-week/story?id=102943545 .
Mexican Supreme Court makes abortion legal throughout Mexico: https://apnews.com/article/mexico-abortion-decriminalize-d87f6edbdf68c2e6c8f5700b3afd15de . So Catholic Mexico follows other Catholic countries in Central and South America (even Ireland) in legalizing abortion. Meanwhile, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) find a half-dozen US Catholic lawyers to pack our Supreme Court and remove this right from American women. WSJ: More: https://www.wsj.com/world/americas/mexicos-high-court-decriminalizes-abortion-at-federal-level-6edf14d .
WSJ: FASB adopts crypto accounting rules: https://www.wsj.com/articles/fasb-adopts-crypto-accounting-and-disclosure-rule-for-companies-749adc44 . The volatility inherent in this asset will destabilize balance sheets if companies keep significant portions of their assets in crypto. Meanwhile, more Binance executives leave: https://www.wsj.com/finance/currencies/more-binance-executives-leave-including-some-overseeing-russia-9993bdee . This “industry” remains unstable.
US commercial real estate downturn affects regional banks: https://www.wsj.com/real-estate/commercial-real-estate-regional-banks-9f8f591d . Again, the US economy has a problem very similar to China’s.
WSJ: Russians launch a major attack against civilians: https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/russian-strike-on-ukrainian-city-kills-17-6d81ed05 .
Federal judge sinks Texas’ floating barrier in the Rio Grande: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/texas-border-barriers-buoys-removed-federal-judge-biden-administration/ . This should be the end of this bizarre stunt by Governor Abbott. Texas actually has very few rights to protect its borders, as any competent attorney will tell you. Meanwhile, Texas actually defended its actions based on the Biblical description of the Great Flood. WSJ: More: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/texas-ordered-to-remove-buoy-barrier-from-rio-grande-6ca27709 .
Orange Julius says he will “absolutely” testify in any criminal trial he’s involved in: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-says-absolutely-testify-criminal-trial-rcna103705 . Sure. Of course. No doubt. As OJ is currently involved in 4 criminal matters involving 91 charges, he will have ample opportunity.
Meanwhile, OJ loses another civil case: https://apnews.com/article/trump-carroll-rape-lawsuit-defamation-trial-723b36258af48395b677bd5136668673 . OJ considers himself above the law. The law does not. That will remain an ongoing problem for him, to say the least. OJ never says the least, which is why he will have an ongoing problem. WSJ: More: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/judge-rules-donald-trump-liable-for-defaming-writer-e-jean-carroll-e8d38299 .
Georgia judge rules Sidney Powell and Kenneth Cheseboro will have combined tral starting October 23 in Georgia RICO case: https://apnews.com/article/trump-georgia-fulton-county-election-indictment-9221ddaed203695015ddd5615337fb4e . The defendants are not entitled to separate trials because the state has the right to prove the overall conspiracy in trying them. This is rather basic legal procedure. WSJ: More: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/two-trump-co-defendants-will-go-on-trial-next-month-georgia-judge-says-eeb993f .
Also, OJ’s Mar-a-Lago IT director flipped on OJ in the classified documents case: https://apnews.com/article/trump-justice-department-maralago-e603df05e8f5a88558a132d52df032d4 . And he won’t be the last to flip, as the reality of prison time sinks in for OJ’s accomplices. WSJ: More: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/donald-trump-georgia-trial-defendants-flipping-70325f7c .
Judge Chutkan works to slap down defense slow-down tactics in DC January 6 case: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/judge-chutkan-orders-expedited-briefing-on-trumps-objection . Again, Judge Chutkan is experienced and no-nonsense.
Peter Navarro trial expected to conclude Thursday: https://apnews.com/article/jan-6-committee-contempt-congress-peter-navarro-6cde11fcaf515e59fa60e47f359177fd . The jury will determine Navarro’s guilt or innocence in the next few business days. WSJ: More: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/former-trump-aide-peter-navarro-on-trial-for-contempt-of-congress-d09524c8 .
Court order in Alabama redistricting: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.alnd.179302/gov.uscourts.alnd.179302.273.0.pdf?link_id=9&can_id=5e9d546e6eb2e709aff35aa3e255421b&source=email-morning-digest-alabama-court-sets-quick-deadline-for-expert-to-draw-new-congressional-map&email_referrer=email_2036961&email_subject=morning-digest-alabama-court-sets-quick-deadline-for-expert-to-draw-new-congressional-map . So yesterday I pointed out how foolishly the Alabama legislature had behaved in their redistricting fight. There’s more. This is the court order in the case. Note that the federal court appointed a special master in tandem with giving the legislature the opportunity to redraw its failed map. In other words, the court covered the possibility that the legislature would screw this up. When the legislature thumbed its nose at the US Supreme Court, they sealed their own fate.
The Republican Secretary of State says he needs the maps by early October to have everything ready for the 2024 election. So the court directed the special master to submit the redrawn map by September 25. When the Court appointed the special master, the judges gave both sides the opportunity to object, but neither side did. Each side will have 3 days after submission of the new map to object. So short of a bizarre mistake in the submitted map, this is a done deal. The legislature simply blew its chance to participate.
Praying football coach resigns one game after reinstatement: https://apnews.com/article/praying-high-school-football-coach-supreme-court-461b92b19ea395677657518914825573 . The school district suspended this guy in 2015. He just got his job back after he won in the US Supreme Court. He now lives in Florida, but trekked back to Washington state – for one game. Also, he turned down Ron DeMentis’ request for support, saying he is loyal to Orange Julius.