News for November 17 — 2.5 Million Children Partially Vaccinated

2.5 million children partially vaccinated: . Again, not only is this protective for each child, but it also slows transmission in their community.

Long COVID hits 100 million globally: .

FDA will extend booster eligibility to all adults: . As readers know, I completely agree with wide availability of boosters.

Pfizer shares Paxlovid antiviral license: . This follows Merck’s sharing of Molnupiravir.

U of Michigan flu outbreak grows to over 500: . So part of the decrease in flu vaccinations is that COVID anti-vaxxers make some people question every vaccine. But importantly, is this year’s flu strain more transmissible than past strains?

Florida: We’re stupid and proud of it: . So again, the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause wipes out all this nonsense. And remember, Costello-DeMentis is a mass murderer.

100,000 drug overdose deaths in one year: . WSJ: More: . This represents an almost 30% jump from the prior year. Social isolation during the pandemic and increased fentanyl in the illicit drug supply are considered the primary causes.

WSJ: Biden administration building mRNA vaccine production capacity: . This applies not only to the current pandemic but vaccine needs in the future. I also expect many current vaccines to be replaced with mRNA technology (for safety reasons).

Nurses’ salaries rise: . I’m surprised the increase is only 4%, given the stress on the healthcare system. Also, this is not the whole story. Many nurses have switched to visiting nurse status, for substantially more pay.

The NHL’s very public COVID breakthrough cases: . Sigh. Giving boosters solely to prevent breakthrough cases and reduce transmission is in my view a totally valid use of vaccines.

Germany’s COVID surge worsens: .

Belgium hit by COVID surge: . I hate to be a party pooper, but the pandemic is not over. More: . By the way, here’s the origin of “party pooper”: .

Ditto for Hungary: .

COVID deaths rise in Europe: . However, cases are rising globally. Hopefully, the new COVID antivirals can be produced and distributed quickly.

WSJ: The meaning of “endemic”: . Good grief. Basic logic solves this problem. COVID will become endemic because no pandemic lasts forever. However, there is no chance of eliminating the virus from the human population for the foreseeable future. But there is also no evidence that the disease will become less deadly. Does no one understand that deadly diseases can become endemic and remain deadly?

WSJ: SEC investigates Alzheimer’s drug developer: . So the plot thickens – considerably. NIH is also involved. My view of this drug is false hope at an expensive price.

Houses censures Gosar for violent anime video: . What an ignorant, self-important jerk Mr. Gosar is. You may recall that his entire family asked Arizona voters not to vote for him. WSJ: More: .

QAnon Shaman receives 41 month sentence: . WSJ: More: . I tire of the media referring to this as a riot. A riot within the halls of Congress is an insurrection – duh. And then there’s the “Hang Mike Pence” part …

WSJ: John Deere strike ends: .

WSJ: Surfside condo survivors sue neighboring developer: .

Suspect in Haitian assassination dies of COVID: . So this provides new fuel for the conspiracy theorists. Also, this is not a great time to go to prison anywhere, and especially in a third world country.